Chapter 13- A Gift..

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Recap of everything that happened during those 3 weeks:

I spent a lot of time at my friends' houses because my stepfather knew about everything that was going on between my stepbrothers and I, so he didn't wanna give them any opportunities to do anything bad to me.

My stitches had officially healed and I didn't need my wheelchair anymore. I could walk and stand up stably, but sometimes I would feel a sharp pain in my chest and I would collapse to the floor. The doctors said that this was normal and that it would stop in a couple of months when everything had gotten used to it.


It was Sunday evening and tomorrow was going to be my first day back at school. I packed all the painkillers I would need into my bag just in case something happened.

We were all eating dinner at the table. I was sitting in between Hoseok and Jungkook. My stepfather wasn't there because he was still at work and he was working the night shift or something like that. It was just me, my mom and my 7 stupid stepbrothers.

My mom got up and went into the kitchen. 

"So, you're coming to school with us for the first time tomorrow." Yoongi broke the awkward silence. 

"Yeah, but can we go separately..? I still don't really want that many people to know that we have anything between us.." I asked them. 

"What do you mean by separately?" Hoseok asked me. 

"As in.. Different cars, maybe?" I suggested. 

"Nope." Jimin snapped, almost immediately after I finished my sentence. 

"Why not?" I asked him. 

"Because I want the whole school to know that you're mine." He smirked as he looked at me without any hesitation.

"Stop. Just stop. How many times do you want me to say 'stop'? Even your own father knows about your stupidity, but you still don't seem to give a shit! What do you want from me?! I'll leave this place permanently if you continue to do this. It makes me feel uncomfortable and disgusting that someone is even capable of doing this to their own stepsister!" I shouted at him. 

"Baby girl, don't tell me what to do. It makes me feel like you don't care about me or my opinions." He told me as he pouted. 

"Well guess what, I don't care about you OR your opinions!" I reassured him as I got up and ran to my room.


"I wish she was still in a wheelchair, so she couldn't run from us as easily as she can now." Taehyung said as he watched me leave. 

"Shut your mouth." Seokjin ordered as he also stood up

"Get up and go to your room. Just because Father isn't here, doesn't mean you can try any funny business with her. Am I understood." Namjoon asked. 

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