Chapter 46- So Screwed

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Jungkook and the rest of his brothers went home and it was late at night. By this time tomorrow, you would be home. You smiled at the thought of it. You went to sleep after the nurses came inside and checked your vitals. 

You woke up the next morning but your stomach was really hurting. You felt that it was a lot more sensitive than before. Your head was spinning and you could barely keep your eyes open. You hesitantly and reluctantly got out of the hospital bed, while holding the walls and furniture, so that you wouldn't fall over. You checked the time when you got out and it was already 1:pm. You slept in. Was it because you weren't feeling well, or because you were too excited to go home..? 

You rested for a little while longer. The nurses came inside and gave you something to eat. "How are you feeling today, sweetie?" She asked you. "I'm feeling fine.. I just have a bit of a headache." You answered. She nodded. "That'll happen a lot. You banged your head pretty hard. It'll go away on it's own, so don't worry about it too much." She reassured you. She left your food on the table next to you, and then left. You ate some, but not all of it. Someone came into your room. 

"Good morning, sleepy head." He said as he came in. "Jungkook? Don't you have school today?" You asked him, confused. He smirked. "I skipped with a valid excuse." He told you, proudly. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. He sat down beside you. "Is this your breakfast?" He asked. "Um, yeah." You replied. "Why haven't you finished it?" He asked. "Oh, I just wasn't that hungry." You told him. His eyebrows furrowed. He grabbed the plate. "Come on. If you wanna get better, then you're going to have to finish your food." He said as he brought the spoon to your mouth.  

"Kookie, I don't feel good.. I can't eat any more." You told him, pushing the spoon away. "Don't talk nonsense. Open wide." He urged. You held your head and groaned in pain. He put the plate to the side and he held your arms. "Baby? Baby, are you okay?" He asked, getting worried. "M-My head.." You managed to say between groans. He pulled you into his arms. The pain died down and you let go of your head. You closed your eyes. You started breathing heavily. "Zaynah?" He called your name. You pulled away from him. 

He looked at you with a confused expression on his face. You leaned back. He came closer and leaned in to kiss you. You looked away. He held your face and made you look at him. "Jungkook, let go.." You mumbled. "Why?" He asked. "I don't feel well." You told him. "I can make you feel better." He said. He puckered his lips. "I'm pretty sure you can't.." You pushed him away and turned over. He came to the other side of the bed and then cupped your face.

He licked his lips. "I'm gonna enjoy this.." He whispered. "I'll throw up in your mouth." You threatened. He scoffed. "I don't care. I want a taste, so I'll get it." He smirks. "What is wrong with you?! I'm not feeling well, and all you can think about is making out with me?!" You rolled your eyes. "That's not it.. I care about you." He said. "Jungkook, I suggest you go back to school.." You told him. "What?" He had an angry expression on his face. "I'm not in the mood for anything right now." You continued. "Does it look like I give a sh*t? Are you on your period or something?" He asked. You glared at him. "That's so rude! I can't be angry unless I'm on my period? I just don't wanna do anything with you right now!" You yelled. "Oh, so you are on your period, because you're getting offended." He smirked. "No, I'm not actually. You know, Seokjin is actually more of a gentleman when it comes to these things." You subtly smirked. 

He scowled at you. "How about you go and make out with Seokjin hyung then, if he's so respectful." He said, sarcastically. "Maybe I will." You went along with whatever he was doing. His eyes were full of anger. He grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. You shrieked in pain. "You're mine!" He shouted. "You don't own me, nor do you control my life!" You shouted back. He dug his fingernails into your skin. You slapped him across the face. 

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