Chapter 39- Misunderstandings Ruin Everything..

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Jungkook rushed to the nearest hospital. 

"DOCTOR!" He shouted as soon as he got inside while I was still in his arms. 

Everyone was looking at him as if he was a crazy man. 

"I SAID GET A DOCTOR!" He yelled again. 

The receptionist dialed something into her computer and some nurses, a doctor and a stretcher bed came running our way. 

They got me into a room and hooked me up to some monitors.

I was unconscious, so they gave me an oxygen mask just in case.

"What happened?" The doctor asked Jungkook. 

"We were just.. Exercising and she passed out.." Jungkook told him. 

"Does she have any medical issues? For example: asthma, diabetes or anything like that?" The doctor clarified. 

Jungkook shook his head. 

"Okay well, has she ever had any major injuries?" The doctor asked. 

Jungkook stayed silent for a couple of moments. "She got shot in the back a couple months ago. She got surgery and was in a wheelchair for a couple of months." He finally said. 

The doctor started writing something on his clipboard.

"Has she ever had anything like this happen to her after that? Like, has she ever passed out or been unable to walk for a period of time?" The doctor asked. 

"No. After she was out of her wheelchair, everything seemed to be normal. She didn't have any issues with walking or anything like that." Jungkook told him. 

The doctor nodded. "Alright, we'll just monitor her for a little while until she wakes up." 

"Oh, can I go inside and be with her?" He asked. 

"Um, what's your relation with the patient?" The doctor asked him. 

"I'm... I'm her boyfriend." Jungkook told him, confidently. 

"Okay, I don't see why not." The doctor patted him on the back, and then left.

Jungkook smiled to himself. 

He liked the sound of being my boyfriend. 

He went inside and sat on the chair next to our hospital bed. 

He caressed my cheek and then kissed it. "Everything's gonna be alright, baby. I'm right here beside you." He pecked my forehead and then held my hand and held it close to his face. 

He took out his phone in his other hand and texted everyone else that he had taken me to the hospital.

A couple of minutes passed, and a nurse came inside. 

"Mr Park, you have some family members who want to talk to you." She told him. 

He nodded. He hesitantly let go of my hand and pecked my cheek before he got up and left.

He got outside and saw my mom, his dad and his brothers in the waiting room.

"How is she? How's my baby?!" My mother asked with tears streaming down her face. 

"Not much has changed.. She's still unconscious.." Jungkook told her, sadly. 

"Why does this keep happening to her?!" My mom screamed as she fell to the ground. 

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