Chapter 4-The Day Before The Wedding

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I woke up in the morning at around 10:00am. I went  downstairs but my mother wasn't  there. I looked around the house. She wasn't in her room, the kitchen, the living room or even the bathroom.

"Where could she be?" I thought to myself.

I tried calling her but she wasn't answering.

"Why isn't she answering? She was here last night.." I tried calling my stepfather, but he wasn't answering either.

"What is going on?!" I sat down in the living room and kept trying to call my mom.

I heard a knock at the door

"Who could that be?" I got up and went to answer the door.

"Hello?" I said to the person who was outside.

"Hello ma'am, are you Miss Kim?" The man asked me.

"Yes..why?" I asked him.

"Your stepfather asked me to come inside and keep an eye on you." He said.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I'm your stepfather's best friend's son. You can trust me ma'am, I swore an oath on my life to serve your stepfather." He told me.

I thought about it for a while, but then I eventually gave in.

"May I come in?" He asked.

"Sure.." I said while slowly opening the door wide enough so that he could enter.

"Excuse me, but her stepfather asked me to keep an eye on her, and I don't recall seeing you anywhere around when he gave me these orders." A familiar voice said from across the street.

"Hoseok?" I called out his name, surprised to see him here at this time.

"Hey, Zaynah. Now you sir, please leave this area before I have to call the authorities." He told him.

The man ran as fast as his legs could take him.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, out loud.

Hoseok came  inside the house and locked the door.

"You know, I thought you were crazy before, but now that you willingly almost let a complete stranger into your house, I think you're a total lunatic."He chuckled as he sat down.

I sat down on the sofa opposite him and looked out of the window.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He looked at me with a smile on his face.

"My dad took your mom to the movies without telling you because before that they went on an early morning brunch date. She didn't wanna wake you up so dad told me to come here and keep an eye on you. Looks like I came just in time too." He told me as he kept his eyes on me.

"Who even was that?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure, probably some creep who wanted to assault you, or a thief." He answered, as if it was normal.

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