Chapter 6- Trying To Recover

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We all got to the hospital and I was taken into the emergency room. 

"Please, let me go with her!" My mother cried as she kept a firm grip on my stretcher bed. 

"I'm sorry ma'am, but she's already lost so much blood. We need to perform an emergency operation on your daughter as soon as we can." The doctor told them all. 

"Please, I'm begging you! Let me see her, I need to be with her!" She cried in pain and agony. 

"Sir, please explain to her that we can't. The patient is unconscious, but we've stabilized her heart rate and controlled her blood from flowing out of her body." The doctor explained. 

My stepfather took my mother into his arms and sat her down. 

"Thank you." He told him as he hugged my mother. 

"We're going to prepare for the operation, and we'll hopefully get started in a couple of hours." The doctor added before he turned to leave. 

"Why did this have to happen today of all days?" Seokjin asked in annoyance. "Everything has gone wrong.. Look how stressed father is. Today was supposed to be the happiest day of his life, but it might just be the worst." He continued, as he sat down. 

"Why did they go after her?" Taehyung asked, suspiciously. 

"It must have been a guy from the same rivalry gang that saw her with me at the tuxedo store. He must have found out about father getting married and they probably wanted to use her as bait." Jimin explains his assumption. 

"I saw you in the aisle. What were you even doing to her?" Namjoon asked him, suspiciously. 

"I was getting her away from the gang members. What did you think I was doing?" He asked. 

"It looked like you were flirting with her and trying to kiss her the way you backed her up." Yoongi mumbled.

"You thought wrong.. but that wasn't a bad guess either. I should've made that my next move so that they didn't get to see her face." Jimin started smirking. 

Yoongi slapped his face. 

"Hyung?! What the fuck?!" He whined a whilst he was rubbing his face. 

"She's in the hospital because we failed to keep her safe, and all you can thing about is making out?" Hoseok whispered, loud enough so that only they could hear. 

"You never say anything to Taehyung or Jungkook whenever they say something like that about her! Plus, Yoongi hyung let her sleep on his shoulder in the car, and no one had a problem!" Jimin reminded them, trying to defend himself. 

"I didn't say anything right now, I know that I will later though." Taehyung said whilst grinning, widely. 

Yoongi slapped him across the face. 

"Here's a punishment for later then." He said. 

"Well what about Jungkook? He was the one who said all those weird things to her after she got out of the car!" Jimin said again, trying to prove his point.

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