Chapter 28- Memories

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Sana and I were just chilling in her room. Just talking, laughing and gossiping about how crazy life has been for the past couple of months. 

"So, Seokjin's your favorite stepbrother?" Sana asked me in disbelief.

I nodded. 

"I think he's the nicest." I told her. 

"Why? What did he do to make you think that he's sooo nice?" She asked.

"Well, he hasn't done anything perverted and he bought pads and stuff for me and didn't take any money from me." I told her. 

"Is that it? I would've expected a lot more if you said that he was your favorite." She laughed. 

"Sometimes you just have to celebrate the little things. Especially from my experiences from the past couple of months." I sighed. 

"Yeah, that's true. I feel bad for you sometimes." She said. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Your father died, your mom went into depression. Eventually she got better, but she still had work and spent the majority of her time in her office at the hospital. Your life was getting a little better until she decided to marry the father of the 7 most dangerous and perverted guys in our school" She explained.

"Ever since dad passed away.. Nothing's been the same. When it was just the three of us, it was like we were the happiest family in the world. I felt like I was a princess because of how well they treated me." I started to tear up. 

Sana pulled me in for a hug. 

"I miss him." I said with a broken voice.

"It's going to be okay. He's with you and I'm sure he's proud of what you've become." She reassured me. 

"But what have I become? The stepsister of some fucking perverts who try and make out with me 24/7?!" I screamed.

"No, you're more than that. You still have me, Irene, Tzuyu and Wendy. We're gonna be here for you no matter what." She told me. 

"I just want everything to be back to normal. Why did he have to leave us?!" I cried. 

"He's in a better place now." She said. 

"Why didn't he take me with him..?!" I asked while tears streamed down my face. 

"Zaynah, don't say that!" Sana shouted as she also started to tear up. "Stay here, I'll go and get us both some hot chocolate." She told me as she got up. 

I nodded and wiped my tears away. 

She left the room. 

My phone started ringing.

It was an anonymous number. 

I chose to ignore it because I wasn't in the mood to answer to a bot. 

My phone rang again, so I put it on silent. 

Sana came back with some hot chocolate. 

We both sat down and just talked about life. 

My phone rang again. 


"Who is it?" She asked. 

"I don't know. It's an unknown number." I told her. 

"Answer it. It could be urgent." She said. 

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