"And you don't want that?" Izzy asked.

"Of course not. I want to see him happy, but for a fact I want to be the reason why he is happy. Selfish right?" Anna said while looking at his figure.

"Anna there's nothing selfish about the way you love my brother. He is really lucky to have you." Izzy said smiling and squeezing Anna's hand in comfort.

Anna smiled and looked at her friend. "And I am lucky to have him." 

Magnus entered in the room and when he saw Alec and the rock he stood there in shock. "What happened?" He asked the two.

"Jocelyn gave Alec the adamas to him to track Jace because she thought she will find Clary." Anna explained.

"Oh God. Anna I am so sorry." Magnus said.

"Don't worry about me Magnus, please try and help Alec." Anna asked him.

"I will see what I can do." Magnus said and looked at Alec.

A few hours went on and Izzy got a phone from Jace and they made a plan how to get Alec and him together. Izzy went to call her parents so they could know what is happening. She left Anna and Magnus alone with Alec. Suddenly at the door was a knock. Magnus stood up ad opened it to be greet by Jocelyn.

"Oh, it's you." Magnus said clearly not happy to see the woman.

"Magnus. What are you doing here?" Jocelyn asked surprised.

"Trying to solve the problem you created. What are you doing here?" Magnus asked.

"I came to inform that Clary is back." Jocelyn said.

"Oh wow! Clary is back everyone! Let's go home and celebrate!" Anna said sarcastic to the old lady as she got closer to the door. "I didn't even wanted to know if Clary came back or not. So you didn't need to inform me about your precious daughter's arrival." Anna said and wanted to close the door but Jocelyn stopped her.

"Wait. How is Alec?" Jocelyn asked.

"You should ask it yourself when you gave him that stupid adamas. Alec went through hell and then you decided to add to his burden. So go away! You did enough damage to a single person." Anna said and walked to the bed.

"I am sorry Magnus." Jocelyn said bowing her head.

"What did I tell you when you showed up at my door with a scared 6 years old little girl?" Magnus asked angry.

"You didn't want to get involved in shadowhunter business." Jocelyn said.

"And I should have stuck to my guns. But no. I let you convince me." Magnus said trying to stay calm. "How many years of memories wipe was it?" Magnus asked.

"Twelve." Jocelyn answered bowing her head in shame. "Look I own you. Let me help with Alec." Jocelyn tried to get inside but Magnus stopped her.

"I think you've done enough." Magnus said.

"I was just trying to find Clary." Jocelyn defended.

"You were only trying to do what you always do. Manipulate people to fix problem that you created. And now Alec is paying the price." 

"That's not true." Jocelyn said.

"Then prove me wrong." Magnus said. Anna passed him and went to Jocelyn pushing her to a wall by her throat.

"Here me Jocelyn Fairchild and hear me good. My family already plans to make Valentine live a total nightmare when we are going to catch him for all the pain he made us endure. But I swear to the Angel, if Alec suffer of anything or something happen to Alec, you will have to deal with me. And I must tell you that when somebody hurts the people I love, I am worse that death itself." Anna said and let the woman go.

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