18. patrol

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"What did you just say" she stopped dead in her tracks.

"How is Lupin by the way?" he asked standing up from the black couch.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"You mean to tell me you aren't dating Remus Lupin?" he walked over to her

"No I'm not, I'm dating Regulus." she wasn't 'dating' him anymore, but that wasn't what either cared about in that moment

"Mmm well this letter says otherwise" Theodore pulled a letter out of his pocket. She immediately recognized the letter as the one from Remus from Christmas. Her heart dropped into her stomach

"Where did you get that" he grinned maliciously

"After you helped that filthy blood traitor escape I went to your room to look for you, and I found this." he held up the letter

"That's not mine, you obviously forged that so I would be with you" her heart was racing, she was grasping at strings trying to find an excuse

"Wrong, and you know it"

"It's your word against mine" she shot back

"After the Christmas stunt you pulled? You tell me who's word people are gonna believe"

"So what, you told all your friends already, my parents as well, this is all payback?"

"C'mon what kind of person do you think I am. I haven't told anyone"

"What a gentleman" she mocked

"Watch it, you know I hold your fate and Lupins in my hand" Selene stopped cold.

"So what do you want?" she sighed

"You know exactly what I want... you" he smirked.

"I don't know what game your playing, you already know we are getting married"

"Well married or not you will always resent me, but with this" he held up the letter "I can make you do anything and that includes act like you love me."


"So then I'll just give this to your parents and let them handle it and then it's bye bye Lupin and you get handed over to me anyway?"

"You're evil" she spat

"Mmm well there's nothing you can do about it can you?" he walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist to her ass, she recoiled but didn't fight it as he squeezed her ass. "Good girl" he whispered. She cringed.

"So what we're dating now?" she asked her voice cold and lifeless

"Since you asked so very nicely" he smirked.

"I have patrol I have to go" she quickly escaped his grasp. She turned to walk out the door but not before Theodore slapped her ass. She shuddered and quickly left.

Selene practically ran to the Gryffindor common room and luckily ran into Sirius who was strutting down the hall,

"Selene hi. Are you okay? I heard about Remus"

"No, no, no I need to see him right now, we have patrol."

"He's asleep I don't think he's going" he said curiously wondering why the girl looked so distressed. "He was really upset about your fight" 

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