8. arrogant

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After an extremely awkward end to potions Selene was up and out of the classroom before Slughorn could finish the two words "Class dismissed." She was halfway down the hallway when she could hear Theodore Nott's voice calling after her. 

"Selene, Selene," She continued down the hallway ignoring his calls, she turned the corner and could see the portrait hole, finally he caught up with her right as she reached the portrait hole. He grabbed her hand, "Selene talk to me" she yanked her hand out of his as turned back around,

"There's nothing to talk about Theo"


"Salazar" she muttered the password. He grabbed her hand again

"Theo stop" she whispered, he grabbed both her shoulders and spun her so he was between her and the door, "Theo what do want me to say" she asked

"I think you know exactly what I want you say" he answered


"C'mon Selene"

"Theo-" she was cut off by his lips meeting hers, it took her a second to process what was happening, she quickly pulled away, 

"I can't, I can't" she ran in the opposite direction of the Slytherin common room only to find the marauders waiting near the common room all standing in pure shock, 

"You gotta be shitting me" she made eye contact with Remus who looked equally hurt as he did mad. In that moment, Selene was so overwhelmed with emotion she went the only place she could think of.

"Should we go check on her?" James asked, sitting on the gryffindor common room couch. 

"She's a slytherin" Sirius scoffed from the carpet

"She's a human" Peter added. 

"We should go check on her though" James shrugged.

"What is your deal with her?" Sirius asked

"I'm just saying, Nott's an ass," James reasoned, "By not doing something, we are proving that we are like him"

"That makes no sense" Sirius scoffed

"He's not saying right, but he's making the right point" Peter laughed

"which is?" sirius asked

"One of us should go check on her" Peter said

"Ok well, I don't like her, Pete's too awkward, James or Remus" Sirius stated

"I can go" Remus said standing up from the chair he was sitting in.

"You need the map?" James asked.

"No, I know where she is" 

Selene was sitting with her back against the wooden wall of the same tree house she awoke in this morning when she heard the creaking of the stairs below. Remus appeared at the top of the stairs moments later,

"Rem, I'm sorry, I love you but I can't right now" She was so overwhelmed by everything, potions, Theodore, Remus, and she didn't want to fight at the moment, but he just sat down in the corner next to her and kissed her forehead. She just leaned her head against his shoulder, and cried silently, 

"Hey, hey, talk to me" he whispered when he realized she was crying. 

"I just hate this, I hate hiding, I hate the constant stress and having to worry about being found out, it's all my fault, if it weren't for my parents we could have a normal relationship, we wouldn't have to hide, I hate my parents, I hate pureblood mania, I hate everything, except you. I don't deserve you, asking you to hide from everyone, I really don't deserve-" her voice cracked as she spoke

"Selene look at me" he tilted her head toward him, "I love you Selene Rowle, and I will follow you to the ends of the earth, I will hide our relationship our whole life if I have to, I'll go public right now and kiss you in the hallways, I'll kill anyone who tries to stop us from being together, none of this is your fault love" he gently kissed her lips. 

"I love you Remus"

"I love you Selene" he gave her another forehead kiss, "now c'mon we still have more classes."

They made their way to their separate classes and continued through the day with minimal drama, but word had spread about Theodore's fancy for Selene and various rumors were being thrown around

Pretty sure they are dating now.
No they definitely aren't
He would never go for her
I heard she shot him down
Why would anyone shoot him down

Selene rolled her eyes at the Parkinson girl behind her in class, conversing with another Slytherin girl, the whole day Selene had managed to avoid drama and not get involved and she wasn't about to, the more she interacted and reacted, the more rumors would spread like wildfire.

That was until she was on her way to dinner. She had been walking down to the Great Hall with Sadie after Defense Against the Dark Arts, who was absolutely feeding off the gossip.

"How could you not tell me Nott liked you?" she fired

"I didn't blood know!" Selene replied

"Do you like him?"

"No, I don't, he's my friend" she assured her friend. 

"Speak of the devil" she muttered as they turned the corner and saw none other than Theodore Nott there, he quickly perked up when he saw Selene,

"Hey can I talk to you?" she gave him a knowingly look, the last time he 'wanted to talk' he kissed her, he obviously realized this as well , because he added, "I won't kiss you this time I promise"

"Kiss-" Sadie yelled

"Hush" Selene silenced her, "Fine, but only for a minute" she said. Once Sadie had left the two alone, Theo started,

"Listen I think you know I like you, but I think a lot happened too fast with the potion and the kiss, I just wanted to say i'm sorry" 

"Before you go any further I don't want to lead you on" Selene interrupted ripping of the awkward band aid, "I don't have feelings for you Theo, you've always been my friend and I just don't feel that way about you"

"Why?" the boy pushed, obviously new to the whole 'not getting every girl he wants' thing

"Why?" she repeated, "You're arrogant, you have a god complex, you treat girls like pets, you are so used to getting every girl you please that you can't stand the idea of me not swooning over you! I tried to be nice about this Theo, but honestly, this will never work between us." and with that she left for the Great Hall once again. 

"We'll see about that" he muttered once she was out of earshot

a/n I changed the fancast for selene because lily james is so basic and it was a placeholder anyway,  but lol i will probs change it again later, feel free to give suggestions

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