81. halloween

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october 29, 1977

"McKinnon get your ass out of the bathroom before I break down the door" Selene yelled across the room as she slid the red leather skirt up to her hips. 

"I've literally been in here for five minutes" she called back

"Five minutes too long"

"Merlin you're impatient" she huffed stepping out of the bathroom, "How do I look?" she asked stepping out of the bathroom in a white skirt and shirt with a baby blue robe over it and a round flat hat. 

"Wait, a minute." Lily started

"Are you Dumbledore?" Selene finished as all three of them broke out laughing, 

"I'm surprised you got it, I haven't added my finishing touch" she giggled walking over to her crowded nightside table and grabbing a pair of half-moon spectacles.

"Now I'm Dumbledore" she smirked

"Does this mean Dorcas is McGonagall?" Lily asked

"I will reveal no such secrets" Marlene shook her head with a smirk

"Where is Dorcas?"

"She's getting ready with some bloke in Ravenclaw, we didn't want to see each other until the party" both girls shot Marlene a curious look, to which she replied with a huff of annoyance

"You know Tyler Chang's brother?" she asked, to which both nodded


"Really? I had no idea" Lily said in disbelief

"I'm not totally surprised" Selene shrugged

"I wasn't either" Marlene nodded

"But are you two almost ready, cause we have to meet the boys in five minutes?" 

"Yeah I'm almost ready" Selene said as she walked to the bathroom, and grabbing her eyeliner

"Speaking of boys Lily, how's Potter?" Marlene asked from the other room

"He's fine" she hesitated

"Uh oh what's wrong" the two continued to converse as Selene continued doing her makeup

"He just... I mean he's great, but I mean... I know other people wait longer, but just with our history, I just assumed, and I mean we even talked about it on our last library date..."

"Spit it out Lil"

"He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend."

"He hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend?!" 


"You haven't asked her to be your girlfriend?!" 

 Sirius and Remus yelled at James

"I want to! Obviously" James defended "I just got in my own head, and what if she said no? I mean at least right now we can go on dates, I just don't want to ruin something that just started"

"Mate, that is the stupidest thing anyone has ever said" Sirius put his hand on James' shoulder

"I know that but, I don't know. I just can't do it" he paced around their dorm room

"She probably thinks you don't like her, she's expecting you to ask her Prongs, so if you don't chances are she'll end it anyway" Remus reasoned

"Moony!" Sirius threw his hands up

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