76. the afterparty

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september 23, 1977

"I'd like to  make this toast to the snakes!" James raised his glass of firewhiskey. Everyone got quiet as he stood on the table in the middle of the common room, 

"They can't even win when they cheat!" Everyone cheered and threw back their drinks and music started playing from merlin knows where. 

"You're really letting him do this?" Selene asked Lily over the roar of the music

"We compromised that only fifth years and above can be here" she explained

"I see" she nodded

"And I also have a couple more things I need to make clear cause it's frankly starting to piss me off" James spoke loudly again 

"Selene Rowle did not kill Romilda Rosier, she's not a death eater, she is dating Remus Lupin, that wonderful hunk of man right over there, and me and my fellow marauders did not put her under the Imperius curse, oh and her father is not Dumbledore, any questions on the matter can be directed towards me or my roommates, but if I hear you talking shit on her I will personally light your hair on fire!" 

"I have a question for Selene!" Marlene yelled from the other side of the room where she was standing with Dorcas Meadowes

"Oh Merlin" Selene muttered

"Is it true that you gave Remus Lupin a blowjob in the hallway once?" a bunch of wide eyes turned to Selene whose jaw was dropped to the floor

"Marlene!"  Lily shrieked

"Um I'd like to answer on her behalf" Remus stood up on the table next to James. 

Selene shot him the deadliest look she could screaming Don't. You. Dare. telepathically. He just smirked at her

"I can confirm such rumors" part the room gasped, the other part cheered, and some just stayed in a shocked silence. "And may I add, a bloody good one" Selene covered her face in her hands. 

"Love you darling" he smirked as he jumped off the table and walked over to her, 

"I'm going to kill you, literally kill you dead, it's your last day alive Remus Lupin" she shook her head, 

"They're all too wasted to remember this" he smirked before kissing her slowly, snaking his hands around her waist, 

"Rem, not here" she whispered, putting her hand on his chest

"Why not, let them see how in love we actually are?" he smirked

"I really hate you" 

"You know you love me" he smirked before kissing her passionately. 

"You two, break it up!" Sirius yelled 

"What the hell Padfoot" Remus groaned 

"Shut up, you'll want to see this" 

"See what?" Selene asked

"That" he pointed across the room by the fireplace where James Potter had his back against the wall and his hands resting on Lily Evans' waist, while he kissed her. 

"Potter!" Selene yelled, as she stormed over to where the two were snogging, grabbing a pillow off the couch on her way

"James. Fleamont. Potter. You. Will. Not. Take. Advantage. Of. Her. When. She. Is. Drunk. You-" She hit him with the pillow in between each word, 

"Oi! Oi!" he defended, 

"Selene, it's fine" Lily laughed "I kissed him" Selene dropped the pillow along with her jaw, 

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