45. summertime

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june 8, 1977

"And the winner of the house cup with 347 points..." 

"Ravenclaw!" the whole Ravenclaw table stood up and cheered in a blur of blue as Dumbledore announced the house cup winner. The rest of the houses applauded, expect Slytherin. 

Selene was sitting in between Remus and Marlene, clapping, along with the others at the table. As the cheers quieted down everyone started eating dinner and a thick layer of chatter broke over the hall, 

"So what are you doing this summer Selene?" Marlene asked

"Definitely not going home, that's for sure" she rolled her eyes, "How about you?"

"Visiting my brothers in France. I don't care about them as much as the hot Paris boys" Marlene smirked 

"Oui oui" Selene teased

"I'll bring you one back" Marlene whispered to her. 

"No you will not" Remus spoke up pulling Selene closer to him

"Boo hoo you're no fun" Marlene shot him a glare. Selene just laughed

"How about you Potter, how many love letters should Lily expect?" Marlene teased

"None." James said proudly. 

"What?" Lily and Marlene asked at the same time

"I've wasted too much time on my Lilyflower, I have found another love, and he's right here" James wrapped his arms around Sirius who was sitting next to him, 

"You finally confessed your love for me! Oh we are gonna live happily ever after!" Sirius played along. The girls all rolled their eyes. 

The lot of sixth years joked around for the rest of the dinner, and then made their way back to the common room. Lily and Marlene headed off to bed and the marauders and Selene went up to the boys dorm. 

Almost everyone in the school was giddy as they got ready for bed that night, but the marauders were scared. None of them spoke as they all climbed into bed

"Should we go over the plan one more time?" James asked

"We've went over the plan eight times tonight." Sirius rolled his eyes

"Yeah I'm with Sirius, I can't go over the plan anymore." Selene added 

"Yeah me either" James whispered flopping on his bed

"I just want to thank you guys again for doing this, you lot are amazing" Selene told them

"Of course Selene" Peter said

"You don't need to thank us" Sirius added

"We are here for you two" James said

"I love you" Remus hugged her from behind

"I love you too."

"I love you James. I love you Peter" Sirius called from the other side of the room

"I love you Sirius I love you Peter" James called back

"I love you Sirius. I love you James" Peter answered. 

The marauders all looked around the dorm. When they come  back, everything will have changed. Once they left they were going into the real world. This was war. 

It felt like yesterday when they all got sorted into Gryffindor. James was proud as could be, when the sorting hat barely touched his head before yelling our Gryffindor. Remus and Peter were already at the table along with a very distressed Sirius Black. 

It felt like yesterday when they made the marauders map. When they all stared triumphantly at the finished paper. Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. Their first prank usuing the map. Obviously on Snape, was so perfectly executed now that they could run before getting caught

It felt like yesterday when James made the quidditch team and they all cheered him on at his game with obnoxious posters reading "Potter", "Go James" and "Yay Quidditch". The last of which being Remus' poster. 

Their entire childhood was memories made in this school and the next time they came back everything was going to change. 

It was a little hard to wrap their heads around it. The end of an era, that was so important in their lives. 

The past years had built them as people, shaped them into who they were and it was all going to be over now. 

The war wasn't coming anymore. It was here. 

The marauders and Selene spent the rest of the night in silence until they all fell into sleep. 

Barely any of them actually  slept that night, but none of them spoke til the sun rose and melted into morning. 

"Good morning Rem" Selene yawned waking up

"Good morning Selene" he kissed her forehead

"Good morning lovers" Sirius called from the bathroom 

"You ready for today?" James asked 

"As ready as I'll ever be" Selene shrugged

"Do you-" James started

"No I don't want to go over the plan James"

"Okay well we need to get going, the train leaves at 10:30"

"Okay, fine" Selene went back to her dorm room and got ready and packed her trunk up, before meeting Remus in the Entrance Hall. 

They made their way to the carriages which took them to Hogsmeade station. 

Selene sat in the marauders usual compartment in the Gryffindor section of the train as the train barreled through the countryside.

Given the miniscule amount of sleep they all got, it wasn't long before Remus was leaning against the glass window, dead asleep, with another dead asleep Selene's head in his lap. Sirius' legs were draped over Selene's as he slumped in the sleep, drifting in and out of his dream. 

Peter had his legs resting on Sirius' lap and his back leaning against James side who was also sleeping against the window. 

The five slept peacefully through the chatter and noise of the students buzzing to start the their summer vacation. 

They all slowly woke up as the train progressed farther towards its given destination. 

First Peter, who sat silently amongst his friends. Then Remus, who also sat silently playing with Selene's hair. Next James. Then Sirius and Selene. 

They all awoke by the time the train pulled into Kings Cross Station, back to sitting upright. 

"You guys ready?" James asked.

"Operation Fallen Phoenix is a go" 

1k words

short chapter but yay we hit summer

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