10. christmas pt 1.

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a/n: remus/andrew could step on me and i would apologize <3

"Hey" she called out as she saw Remus appear in front of the huge window. He propped himself up so he could get up onto the ledge where Selene was sitting looking out at the night sky, while smoking a cigarette, with her back against the stone archway. He sat against the opposite side of the archway facing the girl. 

"Hey" he answered. The truth was Selene was fretting this conversation, she knew that they went home for Christmas break in two days, and that she was likely to return to Hogwarts after break with a soon to be fiance, and she knew she had to talk to Remus about all of it, and she had put it off for far to long and she had to do it now.

"Remus" she started. He did know that she wasn't currently betrothed, she had shown him the letter one day, but that was the last they talked about it. "I-"

"Selene, I know, we have to talk about the elephant in room" she look around slightly confused, "Muggle expression" he clarified, "What I mean is your betrothal"

"Yeah, I have no clue what the letter means, but I talked to Narcissa, she thinks my parents had a match but someone else offered a betrothal or the original match no longer wanted to get betrothed" Remus listened intently as she continued, "So after Christmas, I could return with a husband, or soon to be" Remus exhaled. 

"I''m so sorry" he started, Selene drew in a breath This was it, he's ending it she understood obviously, she wasn't mad at all, well she was but not at him, she was mad at her parents and all that stood for this out dated prejudiced tradition, but she couldn't expect Remus to stay, "This all sucks for you" she nodded sadly thinking of all their memories together, everything they had shared, Selene felt so empty. "We'll be okay" Selene's head shot back to reality, 

"What?" she exclaimed

"We'll be okay" he repeated.

"You aren't breaking up with me?" she asked, trying to figure out if he was joking

"Selene!" he exclaimed, clearly offended, "What type of person do you think I am?"

"A normal one! Your girlfriend says she's getting married and you don't care!"

"No I don't" he stared at her in full seriousness, "I love you with all my heart and that is all that matters" Selene's heart practically melted on the spot.

"But, what are we just supposed sneak around in secret while I am probably married to a death eater!" she felt guilty, he shouldn't be doing this, it would most definitely get him killed. 

"I just have to wait until the end of the war, then we are free to be together" 

"But what if we lose?" she asked. Remus couldn't suppress a small smile. "what?" she asked.

"You said we, you said what if we lose" she realized her words, "See Selene you aren't one of them, you aren't on that side of the war and as long as you know that, everything's okay. I will always love you"

"We better get back," Remus hopped off the ledge

"Ah yes we don't want your marauders to wonder where you are"  She laughed as he helped her down.

"Probably not a problem" he laughed. 

"Why?" she asked, he just leaned his back against the wall and smirked

"They smelled your perfume on me one night, now I am quite the womanizer in their eyes. I blame you, always all over me, can't keep your hands off me" he joked dramatically. She slapped his arm

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