4. transfiguration

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Regulus and Selene filed into the transfiguration, deep in conversation finding their usual seats near the back away from the door.

"No Reg I will not tell you, how do you even know?"

"Everyone's bloody talking about 'the famous phoenix patronus' it was apparently the best one Kettleburn has ever seen"

"He did not say that" she exclaimed, "the rumors are all fake. I cast a patronus it wasn't a big deal!" she retorted yelling quietly as to not provoke McGonagall.

"Seems like it was" a voice from behind the two called out. The two slytherins turned around to find Remus and James sitting behind them and Sirius and Peter to their left. "It's the biggest rave of the century"

"Bugger off Potter, don't you have to go get shot down by Evans or something" Selene answered. Regulus laughed, earning a scowl from Sirius.

"Actually, I already did that today, so my schedules free to bug you" he said proudly

"Wonderful" she muttered turning back around.

"So?" Sirius asked eagerly from beside her. She slammed her hand down on her desk

"What?" she asked angrily, Sirius grinned unfazed by her anger

"What memory did you think of, must've been a bloody great one for the all the rave on your phoenix."

"There's nothing to tell, I just cast a fucking patronus it wasn't a big deal and like hell I would ever tell you what memory I chose" Selene turned back to her desk, angrily scribbling notes on her parchment so aggressively there was probably words carved into the desk.

Sirius never knew when to quit, so he kept pushing. Remus and James watched Selene's rage silently build up.

"I don't think it's a family memory" he paused for a second to study the girls face, "yeah didn't think so, I know how loving slytherin families are" he said with a side smirk to Regulus.

"Son of a-" Regulus started.

"Don't Reg, he's acting like a asshole he's not worth it" Selene advised not looking up from her rage notes

"He is an asshole" he shot back, Selene laughed,

"Yeah I know"

"Okay well I can hear you guys" Sirius announced still leaning towards the two.

"Quiet Mr. Black" McGonagall's voice echoed from the front of the classroom.

"Sorry Minnie" he blew her a kiss, then turned back to Selene, "So no family, you don't play quidditch, you don't smile very much" he continued to think out loud studying every movement to see what would give her away. "You don't have any pets, maybe something with your slytherin friends" he paused, "Nope, damn Rowle what am I missing?"

Selene just continued to write, concentrating on the scratching sound of quills on parchment, trying to block out the gryffndor boy. "OH!" Sirius exclaimed. "It's about a boy!" Remus suddenly became interested in Sirius' annoying rambling, Selene continued to write, but subconsciously pursed her lips. Sirius noticed this immediately. "A BOY!" Sirius yelled.

"Mister Black, I will not ask again!" McGonagall angrily yelled.

"Sorry!" Sirius beamed, he quickly turned back to the girl. "Who's the lucky guy?"

"There is no guy, you pretentious asshole" Selene quietly yelled.

"Was it that Ravenclaw bloke?" Sirius started

"Ooo Selene Rowle-" James Potter started.

"10 points from gryffndor" she shut him down before he could finish.

"Hey!" James exclaimed "Moony!" Remus looked at James, pretending as if he had not been biting back a smile.


"You're a prefect!" James spluttered.

"This is true"

"Take points from slytherin!"

"I might, unless Rowle tells about this dream man" Remus smirked leaning his chin on his palm.

"I hate gryffndors" she narrowed her eyes at Remus. At that moment the class was dismissed and Selene wasted no time grabbing her bags and leaving.

"Oh come on we aren't so bad!" James called out. Selene turned around and pointed at Sirius,

"asshole" then she pointed at Remus, "douchebag", then pointed at James, "toerag" then turned and left again. Regulus was doubled over laughing,

"See ya later asshole" he called to Sirius before going to catch up with Selene.

Regulus and Selene were sitting in the Slytherin common room as the golden sun was setting over the black lake. "So" Regulus started neither one of them looking up from their Potions essays.

"What's up" Selene was writing down the properties and ingredients of veritaserum before they started brewing it in in Potions. Regulus cleared his throat peeking up at the girl. "If you ask about that goddamn patrons i will put this quill through your skull." the girl still didn't look up from her parchment.

"I get why you wouldn't tell the marauders, but why not me? i'm your best friend!" Regulus exclaimed, leaning his head out of reach of her quill.

"Regulus it was something personal i don't want to talk about, okay?" she said softly finally meeting his gaze, "please?" Regulus couldn't fight her, she sounded sincere so he decided not to push her anymore, at least for now he wouldn't.

"Okay" he said back. They both worked for the next two hours, finishing up their essays and any other homework, then finally at 10:49 Regulus gathered up his papers, "I need my beauty sleep, so I am off to bed"

"Goodnight princess" Selene joked. He just smiles back and kissed her forehead, before heading up the stairs, she sat back down at her seat trying to refocus her attention to her Runes homework, when she heard the scratching of a quill. She looked around at the deserted common room and pulled a square piece of parchment out of her bag.

The last letters of the words Hello darling were etched onto the center of page. she quickly dipped her quill in ink and wrote on the paper

Hello love she waited a second as the message disappeared into the parchment and about a minute later ink started to rise from the blank piece of paper.

I miss you, meet me in the prefects bathroom in 30?

i'll see you there her writing was quickly interrupted by the common room door opening, she wrote a quick someone's here and then slid the square paper into her bag and going back to her Runes homework, she peered up from get paper and saw Barty Crouch Jr. walking towards her.

She started to collect her papers, but not before the boy slid next to her, "Hello Rowle" Crouch eyed her suspiciously,

"Hey" she went back to packing up her papers,

"Where you going" he asked

" Up to bed"

"but I just got here"

"awfully timing then" Selene retorted with heavy sarcasm. she stood with her bag over her shoulder and headed for the staircase however Barty grabbed her hand and pulled him close to her, now standing too. "Barty don't"

"C'mon love, you know you want to," he said puller her closer, so they were almost touching. She quickly stepped forward and swung her leg around to be behind him, but before he could even misinterpret what she was doing she pressed her foot against the back of his knees making his legs give out slightly, then simultaneously twisted the hand he locked with hers behind his back allowing her to grab her wand.

"I said, don't." she seethed and with that she released him and she walked up the stairs to the girls dormitories.

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