19. new relationships

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Selene couldn't sleep at all that night. She stayed awake the whole night, and to Narcissa's extreme displeasure, was tossing and turning in her bed.

She ended up tallying up a total of 45 minutes of sleep before she got up to get ready. She was scared to see what Theodore had in store for her today, which was why while she pulled on her uniform she prayed for class cancellation, deadly disease, food poisoning, anything that would terminate her ability to attend her classes that day. 

But nevertheless, the food was fully cooked, and Selene was not vomiting or bleeding by the time she was due in Defense Against the Arts for first period. 

She was walking with Sadie to the Defense classroom when Theodore appeared at her side, slinging his arm around Selene's shoulder. 

"Leave us alone Nott" Sadie rushed to her defense. 

"No Sade it's okay" she said softly, her voice heavy with defeat.

"I'm sorry?" Sadie expressed her confusion

"We're dating now" Theodore answered for her. Sadies eyes practically fell out of her head,

"WHAT? SELENE" she gave her a questioning look, 

"We're dating" she nodded. The words tasted like acid in her mouth, she felt nauseous. Calvin joined them a moment later

"Since when?" he laughed 

"After the Christmas Party" Theodore gloated.

"Were we even at the same party?" Sadie recalled the girl rushing to Theodore's duelling opponents aid. 

"You're very funny Sadie" Theodore said with a false laugh.

"Are you okay?" Sadie whispered to Selene

"She's fine Selwyn, now I suggest you don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong" He spat, losing his temper. The four slytherins arrived at the Defense classroom, standing outside with the rest of the Slytherins and Ravenclaws.

"Watch it Nott" Calvin shot back, defending his sister. 

"Something to say Calvin?" Theodore challenged.

"Yeah I got something to say-" Sadie shot Selene a knowing look and both of them pushed the boys away from each other, 

"Just leave it" Selene pleaded to Theodore

"He's not worth it" Sadie tried to calm Calvin. The door opened and Professor Kettleburn stepped out to see two angry Slytherin boys, two Slytherin girls holding them back and a bunch of bystanders watching the scene.

"Let's go" Theodore gripped Selene's hand tightly and dragged her into the class, sitting in the back. "I don't want you hanging around them anymore" he said coldly

"What so now you control who I'm friends with?" she asked

"Yes." she rolled her eyes and looked over to Sadie and Calvin across the room, she gave Sadie an apologetic look. 

"This year you are all supposed to learn about the three unforgivable curses, now can anyone name one of them. Knowing that many sixth and seventh year Slytherins have experienced or used these curses first hand, the professor was not surprised when more people raised their hand to answer than any other class. 

"Miss Parkinson" 

"The Cruciatus Curse" she stated proudly. Most people speak of this curse with caution, and fear, but she spoke with pride.

"The Cruciatus Curse, also known as the torture curse. It is one of the most powerful and sinister curses known to wizardkind. The penalty for use of this curse on another human was a life sentence in Azkaban. Can anyone name another?"

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