40. planning

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may 14, 1977

"Okay so, like I said, with the death eaters on out tail we will probably have to move locations every two or three days, so we need a lot of places to go" Selene started as the five walked back to the marauders dorm room

"I used to go camping up north with my family" Peter suggested

"Yeah my parents used to take me to their friends beach house" James added

"Me and Reg found this weird abandoned house one time when we broke away from a family trip" Sirius chimed in

"Yeah perfect, stuff like that, we need a lot of those so brainstorm."

"We are going to need enough food and water for three months for five people" Remus added, "That would be a big thing to carry around for just food and water, so we have to figure that out." they all pondered Remus' words, 

"I got it! Oh my parents used to use it if we were traveling for long periods of time... of fuck what is it called, Pads?"

"What?" Sirius asked

"Remember when my parents were taking me to Europe in second year over the summer and they did that thing, what was it called?" Sirius who was there at the time, recalled the memory of Fleamont placing all the family's trunks into one backpack

"Oh... shit." he furrowed his brow in thought, "Undetectable Extension Charm!" he finally shouted proudly

"Yes!" James high fived him, 

"Oh yeah I've heard of that, that could work" Remus nodded.

"So there should definitely be some places we go, with houses, but we also might spend a good amount of time in the outdoors, so we are going to need a tent..." Selene thought out loud, 

"I have one" Peter spoke up

"I do too" James added

"Okay perfect" she nodded, this was going pretty well, and she had to admit she did need them, but she would never tell them that.

"Should we pack firewood?" Peter asked. "I mean there will be some there but cutting it down and cutting it up would be loud and attract attention and it would take a lot of manpower?"

"Yeah good idea Wormtail." Sirius nodded. At this point they arrived at the common room, which they walked through quietly and up to their dorm. It was around four in the morning at this point but none of them were tired. 

"James what did you say earlier about protective enchantments?" Remus asked

"I said Moody could put them up around my house if either of you wanted to stay there?"

"Is there anyway we could put those up wherever we are staying? Obviously they won't be as powerful as Moody's but something's  better than nothing." Remus reasoned

"Yeah we can look some of those up" Sirius nodded.

"We only have one tiny problem at the moment." Selene pointed out

"What is it?" Peter asked

"Can any of us apparate?" They all looked around and then all their eyes landed on Sirius, the only person who was old enough at the time to attend the apparation lessons, 

"Um... I can... kinda apparate?" he said 

"What does kinda mean?" Remus asked, 

"I can... but I'm not amazing at placement"

"Just practice from now until summer" Remus told him.

"But I can't apparate inside the school!" he defended

"Sounds like a you problem" Remus teased. 

"So when do we leave?" James asked, 

"I mean I can't go home with my family, if I do, I likely won't get back out of there"

"So we need to get you out of King's Cross before they do." James clarified, Selene nodded.

"Okay, I'll take you to my house, all of us will go." James told them "I can have protective enchantments put up, just temporarily." he added at the end when Selene gave him a suspicious look. 

"James I'm sure your parents wouldn't want that"

"B-B-Back it up sister" Sirius said dramatically, "I just showed up at their house one day, and they took me in, and I'm a Black. Even the people in Gryffindor still think I'm a death eater, but even when I was 11, the Potter's took me in" Sirius lectured.

"Siriusly.  Mia and Monty will love you Selene, I promise they aren't prejudiced." James assured her, "Okay so once we get to my house, we can pack everything into the charmed bags,"

"I can bring a charmed bag" Selene said

"Okay I will too" James added, "We will pack everything up and then meet Peter-"

"Why are we meeting Peter?" Selene asked

"His aunt and uncle are in town, I assume he wants to see them." James explained

"Aww you remembered" Peter smiled sweetly, 

"Of course, so we meet Peter and then Sirius will apparate us all to the first spot, sound like a plan?" James asked

"Sounds like a plan" they chorused. 


very short one but i'm excited

my spring break is coming up and i will be away (it's all safe with covid i got a negative test) so i won't be updating as much but i'll try to get as much writing done before!

850 words

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