56. sevens elevens and doubles

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june 26, 1977 

Selene and Peter got back to the Potter's that night around dawn and crashed immediately in hopes to get a couple hours of sleep. Around ten in the morning they woke up and headed down for breakfast, neither saying a word on the little adventure they had last night.

The other three marauders were all sitting around the table laughing and eating, in good health, much to Selene's relief. She walked over behind Remus and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing the top of his head, before sitting next to Sirius. 

It was around mid afternoon when they were all finally ready to leave again. Euphemia protested, saying they weren't in good enough health, but they dismissed it and assured her they all felt fine. 

Except Remus. It was five days until the full moon. The first full moon of summer. Stage one of the cycle was beginning to start. Uncomfortable and quiet. He was managing though, it was all okay.

They apparated to a forest. Selene didn't remember who knew about the forest, but they were all pretty tired by the time they got there, and set up the tents.

"I need a drink" Sirius sighed collapsing on the ground under the orange light of the soft sun

"We all do. We've been through enough" Selene started

"I'll start a fire" James said "You get the booze"

It was dark by the time they were all settled in a circle around the fire. James was sitting in between Remus and Selene and across from Peter and a very excited Sirius 

"Let's play a game" Sirius spoke

"What kind of game?" Peter asked

"A drinking game" he grinned

"Which one?" Remus asked

"We used to play sevens, elevens and doubles in fifth year when we wanted to get plastered, or Never Have I Ever" Selene suggested

"I love sevens, we are playing that"

"We can play Never Have I ever after, that's way more fun when you are drunk anyway." Remus nodded

"What's sevens, elevens, doubles?" James asked

"Oh you poor simple boy" Sirius teased "Who hasn't played before?" James and Peter raised thier hands, 

"Perfect, do we have dice?" Sirius asked

"No why would we have dice?" Selene asked

"Don't be sassy" he narrowed his eyes playfully

"Why don't we just transfigure something into dice?" James cut through their banter

"Like what?" Remus asked

"Try a stick or something I dunno?" Sirius shrugged. They all looked at Remus, 

"What?" he asked

"You're the best at transfiguration, give it a shot" Remus took out his wand and locked eyes with a large stick. He concentrated and silently transfigured it into two large dice

"Atta boy!" James slapped Remus' shoulder 

"What can I say" He gawked looking at Selene who gave a teasing look

"So the basic rules" Sirius started "Someone roles the dice, if they roll something that adds up to a seven, eleven or two of the same number they choose someone to take a shot. While that person is taking a shot, the person who made them drink rolls the dice as many times as they can. If that person gets a seven eleven or a double before the other person slams the shot glass down, the person has to take another shot." Sirius explained. James and Peter nodded along, 

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