21. fighting

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Remus didn't eat dinner that night. After Madame Pomfrey banned him from the hospital wing and sent him back to the Great Hall, he sat miserably during dinner. Why would no one tell him what happened to Selene?

Madame Pomfrey said she was okay, her words repeated in his head. 

"She's doing well"

As long as that was true, he could give her space, as much as he hated doing it. He also hated being kept in the dark but he tried to keep calm. He didn't talk to the marauders the rest of the day or during dinner. He was still mad that they wouldn't tell him what happened to Selene. He also couldn't look at Theodore or any Slytherin without getting mad.

Usually he would've disregarded Selene's wishes and go kill Theodore Nott, but he thought of all she went through for the two of them, and it seemed unfair to wreck all of that with his temper. So he kept to himself the rest of the day, trying to stay calm. It was extremely hard during transfiguration, when he couldn't help but stare at her empty seat

It was now nightfall and he was in the marauders dorm room. Remus was sitting on his bed leaning over his transfiguration book on the technique of turning vinegar to wine. He wasn't even reading the words on the page, he was just staring at the paper, thinking about Selene.

The whole day Sirius and James had been keeping stuff from him, and it pissed him off, a lot. He looked over at James and Sirius playing chess on James' bed across the room. They had the marauders map on the bed where they could see it.

Remus had attempted various times to steal the map and locate Selene, after his one successful attempt before dinner, James and Sirius kept a closer eye on Remus and the map. Peter was going to the kitchens to get food and was currently not in the room, so it was just the three of them.

Remus subtly withdrew his wand from his waistband and pointed it towards James' bed.

"Accio Map" he whispered and the piece of parchment flew across the room and he caught it. The boy's heads snapped up and Sirius withdrew his wand.

"I solemnly swear-" he started

"Expelliarmus!" Sirius called out and Remus' wand went flying into his hands.

"Give me my wand Padfoot" he growled

"Give me the map" he retorted

"Just let me see her!" He yelled

"You know you can't Remus!"

"At least tell me what happened!" he continued yelling

"She told us not to, it's not our place, it's hers!" James piped up

"Not your place?! I'm her boyfriend, she's hurt and you won't tell me what the fuck happened to her!"

"She thinks if you know you will go fuck up Theodore and he'll tell everyone about your relationship." Sirius yelled. Remus scoffed 

"Is she wrong? Look at me and tell me that you don't want to go curse Nott into oblivion right now!" Sirius kept going

"Of course she's right! But just because I want to doesn't mean I will!"

"Honestly Remus..." Sirius groaned rolling his eyes

"Oh what's that supposed to mean" Remus spat

"STOP!" James yelled. "Cut it out!" They both looked at the boy. "Remus listen, if Selene is still in the hospital wing, it is probably because Pomfrey wanted to keep her overnight, it doesn't mean she's hurt badly. We all know there is nothing Poppy Pomfrey can't fix, and if she's not in the hospital wing, you'll see you tomorrow in potions, just let her sleep, she's had a rough day. You need to understand she is exceptionally strong and can handle herself. She was just looking out for the two of you when she told us not to tell you. "

"Whatever" he huffed. He knew and he hated that he was right. James was always right. Peter walked in moments later with brownies and pumpkin juice, 

"I got what the house elves would give me" he light-heartedly shrugged, trying to lighten the tension he sensed when he walked in. They all spent the rest of the night in awkward silence.

Remus rummaged through his school bag as the marauders climbed into their own beds. He pulled out the small square parchment and his quill and ink. He dipped the quill in the blue ink and checked over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching. 


Selene was in her dorm room brushing her teeth when she heard the quill scratching coming from her bag, she looked at Narcissa sleeping on the other side of the room before rustling through her bag and pulling out the parchement. She responded with a simple... 


Remus' heart rate doubled when the two letter's appeared on his parchment. He quickly dipped his quill in his ink and wrote back

Are you in the hospital wing? Are you okay? What happened?

I'm fine, I'm in my dorm.

Remus was relieved she was okay, though she had lied about being 'fine' before, Madame Pomfrey would never let her go if she wasn't okay, and that was all the hope he needed, but she still didn't answer his last question so he asked again.

What happened?

Selene contemplated her answer. She was extremely thankful that Sirius and James hadn't said anything to Remus, but she knew he deserved an explanation in person, but she didn't want Remus to see her neck. She also knew it would be harder to talk to him face to face rather than through parchment.

Just Theodore being Theodore, I'm fine though Remus

Remus didn't want to pressure her. But that was not the reaction he was looking for.

What did he do to you Selene

Selene sighed, what was she gonna write? That he grabbed her by her neck until she couldn't breathe and gave her hickeys in the middle of the hallway.

He tried to kiss me
Calm down, I'm fine

She added the last part because she knew he would be fuming, which he was. 

Why were you in the hospital wing?
Did he do something else?

Selene didn't know how to put it into words. It wasn't something she wanted him to hear via parchment so she dipped her quill in her ink one more time. 

I don't want to talk about this way
I'll talk to you tomorrow before my patrol
Treehouse, just before sunset?

Remus looked sadly at her message. 

Okay, I love you

 She cracked a small smiled 

I love you too, Goodnight Remus.

Goodnight Selene.

i was pretty tired when i wrote this so it's not great there also might be a lot of grammatical errors.

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