1. sixth year

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A.N // for the plot of the story Regulus is in Sirius' year and not the year below

"We will see you at Christmas" Delston Rowle bid his daughter goodbye, completely void of any sentiment.

"Be good" Vivian Rowle added.

"I always am mother" Selene answered the woman.

"We must be off, we are visiting Thor in France" Vivian looked to her husband and without a glance to their daughter the two dissaparated from platform 9 3/4.

Her brother Thorfinn graduated from Hogwarts a year ago, he had always been the families pride and joy, even though they were less than 3 years apart, Selene knew she was an accident, he parents had only hoped to raise one child, clearly and what little emotion they actually showed was all directed toward Thorfinn, but it was nothing she wasn't used to.

So without a second thought to her parents complete lack of literally any emotion, turned on her heel, and headed toward the scarlet steam engine, biting back a smile. She has never had the loving relationship with her parents, they provided for her, and that was enough. Hogwarts however was always more of her home than the Rowle Manor ever was or would ever be.

She quickly found her usual compartment on the train, barely stepping into the room when a girl launched herself on Selene.

"Selly, Selly, Selly!" Sadie Selwyn cried out half tackling the slytherin girl to the ground. Selene hated the nickname, but loved Sadie to much to correct her.

"Hello Sade" she teased shrugging the girl off. "How was your summer, heard you payed Italy a visit" she asked the dark haired girl, who looked partially tan

"not to shabby, Calvin was sick most of the trip, but that didn't stop me from meeting people" she said with a smirk, people obviously meant hot Italian guys.

"Good for you, at least one of us did something productive this summer" Selene shrugged recalling her horrendous excuse of a summer vacation. "or someone" she added with a laugh

"What have you been up to since I saw you last that could possibly be so boring" she asked exaggerating her last two words.

"Nothing, that's exactly the problem, i'm the same person who left Hogwarts three months ago" she motioned to herself

"You got hotter"

"Charming, Sadie thank you"

"You did! You look bloody 20" Selene rolled her eyes at the girl.

"I'm gonna go find Reg, you coming?" Selene asked standing up

"Nah i got homework"


"Last years, never did it, turned into summer work. You're good at astronomy right?" she asked. Sadie never cared about school, she always stayed up all night partying making out with various guys and then copying Selene's answers in class the next day.

" I'll catch you at the feast Sade" Selene called already halfway out the door. She wandered down the hall not long before spotting the dark haired boy walking towards her.


"Selene!" he called back crushing her in a tight embrace. "How was your summer?" he asked after she released herself from his tight grip.

"Good, boring, same old, same old" she answered noticing him subtly looked her up and down, maybe i did change over the summer she thought. "How was yours?" the boy seemed a little tense,

"same old same old" he mocked her tone with a fake laugh.

"Still following mummy around like a pet are we Reggie?" a voice rant out from behind Selene. She turned to see Sirius Black followed by James Potter and Remus Lupin with a small Pettigrew on their tails. Selene looked at Regulus' clenched fists at his sides, she quickly nudged his arm,

"Let's just go he's not worth it" Regulus stayed for a second before following the girl down the hall.

"See ya around Selly!" James called out to the girl who flipped him off without turning around. She hated the nickname but would only allow Sadie to call her it, which she still wasn't incredibly fond of.

"assholes" Regulus muttered. "I got to go meet up with some friends, see you at the feast?" Selene nodded and headed back towards the compartment currently occupied by a procrastinating Sadie.

"How's it going" Selene asked in a sing-song voice and she slid open the door.

"I hate school"

"Sounds about right, here let me help" Selene slid into the seat across from Sadie and started to complete her homework.

"I owe you" she replied thankfully

"Indeed you do"

A.N // Short chapter but no ones reading this so yeah but welcome to my book

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