65. head boy

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august 19, 1977 

Later that week the five of them came to the decision to leave the hillside before death eaters could find them and go the Tonks' house for the final stretch of the summer, including the next full moon on the 28th, which was just over a week away.

The family welcomed them happily, excited that the students could finally take a  breath of relief, they had survived the summer of 1977. 

Well as long as nothing happened in the twelve days they were there before September 1st.

They arrived in the field they had grown to become familiar with on the night of the 19th just after sunset. Ted came out and greeted them before apparating them into the house. 

"Dora's just fallen asleep" he whispered. They all nodded quietly. Andromeda came out from the back bedroom, that belonged to the child and greeted them all quietly. 

Even from the brief encounter between them, Andromeda could tell Selene was in a much better state than the last time she saw her. When Selene showed up with the rest of her lot in mid-late July, something had definitely changed. Sirius pulled Andromeda aside and explained everything, including how Selene hadn't really spoken more than a couple words since the incident. 

The older girl pulled Selene aside the next morning and talked to her. Selene wasn't in the mood to talk then, so Andromeda told her about her last few years with her family, and how they became suspicious of where her loyalties lie, and how her relationship with Narcissa was ruined, 

"I was never friends with Bella, not the way I was with Cissa" Andromeda told Selene that day, using both her sisters nicknames. Old habits die hard. "We were close, very close, but the second I was even in question of being a traitor, she told me we couldn't talk anymore, I was heartbroken, but there are something's you have to sacrifice in life to get what you really want" 

Selene actually connected with that idea, remembering how she felt after Sadie stopped talking to her, 

"Are you gonna say something or let me keep going, cause this is getting depressing" Selene laughed

"My friend from second year did the same to me once she knew about Remus" Selene said. Over the next hour the two socialized, this time Selene contributed more to the conversation, telling her about Romilda and Evan and a lot of the weight she had been feeling on her shoulders recently. 

Over that visit, Andromeda managed to crack Selene some more and help her through her grief, confusion and her other mess of emotions, and by the end of the visit Selene was much better than she arrived, and she looked even better now. 

She almost looked the way she did before that night, and Andromeda couldn't be more thrilled that she did. 

"You must be getting tired, I will prepare the bedroom for you lot" Andromeda nodded, 

"I'll help you" Selene smiled. The two made their way back to the bedrooms that the boys had stayed in during their previous stays at the house. There were plants and old boxes filled with the most random things, everywhere in the room. The two girls starting making the bed when Andromeda spoke, 

"How've you been doing?" 

"Good." Selene said, "Better" she smiled more sincerely this time

"Did you talk about it with the boys?" 

"A little bit with James, but it's just easier to avoid, it's in the past, and it should stay there"

"That's not really true, you still should talk about it" 

"I don't mind talking to them, but the idea of it seems so much more ideal than actually doing it." Selene shrugged pulling the blanket up on the bed.

"Just remember, they are always there to talk as am I, and nothing good ever came out of bottled up feelings."

"I know that, I really do" Selene nodded

"As long as you do, everything will be okay" Selene nodded. 

She was so sick of everyone telling her everything was going to be okay. They didn't know shit, so why lie and give her false hope. It was a war, there was a very good chance, everything was not going to be okay. People die, people live, wars are won and lost and there's no guarantee of a good outcome. 

They finished making that bed and the rest of them in silence before Selene said goodnight and her and the boys all got ready for bed. 

When Selene woke up the next morning, Remus was still asleep with his arm wrapped around her waist. She carefully slipped out of grip and went to the kitchen to find a stack of letters on the dining room table, each one addressed to one of the five kids. 

Selene gave Andromeda, who was sitting at the other side of the table drinking coffee, a curious look, in which she responded, 

"Your school letter and book list" Selene understood and flipped through them until she found hers. She tore it open and scanned the booklist, it was all the usual, nothing new. 

James and Peter came strutting into the kitchen, where Selene handed them each their letters 

"What are these?" Peter asked as both of them tore the letters open, 

"School letters" Selene answered still reading hers, 

"Oh my Merlin." James dropped his letter as he read it. 

"What?" Selene asked looking up at him, 

"Oh my Merlin." he repeated pointing to the letter, 

"What?" Peter and Selene asked again picking up the letter, 

"Head Boy?!" Selene yelled as she read it.

"This must be a prank," Peter's jaw dropped as he scanned over the letter, 

"Minnie's payback for all the ones you pulled on her" Selene added. 

"Oh my Merlin." James repeated, 

"Who's Head Girl?" Peter asked nosily as both him and Selene read the letter. 

"No." Peter's hand covered his mouth

"Oh. My. Merlin" James repeated for the fourth time as all three of them stared at the name on the page. 

Lily Evans.

"Minnie you son of a bitch" Selene beamed. 

"Lily fucking Evans" Peter laughed

"What's going on?" Remus asked as he walked into the confusing scene

"Potter's Head Boy" Selene laughed giddily, 

"And Lily's Head Girl!" Peter added

"What?!" Remus examined the letter for himself, scanning it in disbelief, 

"Minnie definitely wants you two to get together" he laughed

"How do you think Lily is taking the news?" Peter asked. 

James, whose jaw was still wide open, eyes not moving from the letter sitting on table, still hadn't spoken any words other than oh, my and merlin, said nothing.

"She's probably losing her mind" Remus answered for him.

"Oh she definitely is" Selene bit back a smile. 

Just not in the ways the boys thought. 

1.1k words

another happy chapter, don't get used to it though sorry

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