38. please

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may 14, 1977

"Need you remember Selene that, the Rowle family has a pristine reputation with the dark lord, and our family name is bigger than all of us. me and your father will not hesitate to dispose of anyone who poses as a threat to that reputation, and that includes you."

Vivian Rowle's voice echoed through her head as she shot awake from her nightmare. 

"dispose of anyone who poses as a threat "

She looked to her side to see Remus sleeping peacefully. She wiped the sweat off her forehead. Why did she think she could do this? Running from the Dark Lord? That wasn't some fun summer activity. She couldn't romanticized something like that.

If her family wanted her to marry Theodore Nott, she was going to. She couldn't run from them. The Rowle family had many people at their discretion that owed them 'favors'. People that could track down Selene in minutes, trace or no trace. 

And why would she let the marauders drag themselves into her mess? They were going to die during her capture and it was her fault. She looked at all of them sleeping in their beds and couldn't help the guilt that rained down on her

James. Who barely knew her, so blindly just decided to treat her like a sister, like a friend. He helped hide her from Remus when Theodore hurt her. He calmed her down when she was overwhelmed, he was thoughtful and meticulous and would do anything for the people he cared about. 

Peter. The forgotten marauder. He was never the big ego, popularity obsessed kid that James and Sirius were. He longed for friendship, real friendship, and he was willing to put his life on the line to protect his best mate and his girlfriend, he was scared, but he was brave underneath all of it. 

Sirius. He had quickly taken the position of Selene's older brother. He saw through her pureblood facade for the longest time, she wanted out of that life just as he had. He wanted to protect her from Theodore because frankly no one else could in their world. He saw himself in the girl and he felt immense sorrow for her. She couldn't run to the Potter's as easily as he could, she had marriage and friends and real life obligations. They barely knew each other when she risked her life to save Sirius from his family and in return he would do anything for her. 

And Remus. The boy who loved her more than anyone else in the world, including himself. He would move mountains for her. Remus Lupin was ready to die at the hands of Death Eaters for her. His heart ached to see her pain, he wanted to do everything in the world to protect her from everyone. She was so selfless and it caused him so much hurt to see her not caring for herself and her life. The two couldn't live without each other and they went through hell for each other, and at the end of the day, you had never seen two people more in love than Selene and Remus. 

And they were all going to die for her. They were going to die if they came with her that summer, wether they knew it or not. And there was no way in hell she was going to let that happen. 

She quietly slipped out of bed and out of the marauders dorm room, without waking any of them up. She checked to make sure no one was in the common room which luckily there wasn't. The clock read 1:39 as she crept through the portrait hole. 

Once she got far enough away from the common room she relaxed, now anyone she saw in the hallways would assume she was out late studying, as they had probably been as well. 

She made her way through the hallways undetected by anyone, towards the hospital wing. The moon was almost new so no light was shining through the windows, making it a blind journey.

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