28. valentine's day

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February 14, 1977

It's been a month since the prank. A month since Sirius derailed his friendship with Remus. A month since Narcissa found out about Selene and Remus.

Selene was discharged from the hospital on Sunday, three long days after she arrived in James Potter's arms.

Finally after weeks of silent treatments and heavy resentment, Remus had reluctantly forgiven Sirius after a lot of push from his girlfriend who he barely got to see now that she was with Theodore all time, which made forgiving Sirius a lot harder for Remus.

It was a big weight off Selene's shoulders now that Narcissa knew about Remus. Not only did she not have to sneak around or dodge the older girls questions but she could talk to her about everything.

Narcissa couldn't believe the situation Selene had been going through silently for so long, and how well she hid it. But she definitely saw a difference in her behavior lately. Between classes, prefect duties, upcoming N.E.W.T's, and above all Theodore, Selene could hardly get a moment alone with Remus. 

Because of this, Selene seemed to be tired all the time. She was short tempered too, which was very unlike her, she usually tried to be understanding and forgiving towards people but lately she's been stretched to thin.


Selene woke up on February 14, way more grumpy than usual. She tried to fake sleep and when Narcissa finally woke her up she faked sick. 

Selene could feel her motivation withering away every time she opened her eyes in the morning. She could feel a piece of the person she actually was disappear every time Theodore touched her or kissed her and she couldn't fight it. 

So when she woke up on Valentines day, she would've done anything to fast forwards 24 hours.

Selene skipped breakfast. She skipped breakfast a lot these days. Theodore would either come over and make some move on her or she'd have to spend the whole time worrying that he would. 

So she took extra long to get ready while the rest of the students sat in the Great Hall eating breakfast. She planned to meet Remus at 10:00 pm that night, but that felt worlds away at the moment. 

As if to draw out this retched day more, Selene's first class was history of magic. She arrived at the classroom five minutes late, not that the ghostly Professor Binns cared. She took her seat next to Romilda Rosier in the back of the class.  

The girl looked up and smiled at Selene, which she returned as she slid her bag off her shoulder. She had no intention of taking notes on the witch trials of 1692 but she got out her parchment and her quill and acted like she did. 

A couple minutes later she felt someone tapping on the back of her chair. She ignored it and kept doodling constellations on her notes, but after the third time she whipped her head around to find Rudolphus Lestrange pointing across the room at Theodore who was pointing towards the door. 

She excused herself from class a couple minutes after Theodore did the same, which despite her efforts still earned a few wolf whistles from his friends. Selene rolled her eyes in disgust and went outside to find Theodore leaning against the nearest wall smoking a cigarette. 

Selene wasn't the type to swear off cigarettes and say they will kill you, there were a lot of things in Selene's life that could kill her, and cigarettes weren't one of them. 

She had a couple packs in her room if she got stressed or just wanted one but she didn't feel the compulsive need to smoke everyday. 

Smoking was a much more attractive habit on Remus than it was Theodore, as Selene quickly noticed. 

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