5. stars

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Selene collapsed backwards on her bed, and laid for a second staring at the ceiling of her canopy bed before a smooth voice cut through the silence

"What's wrong with you?" her roommate Narcissa Black walked over and laid next to her so she was also looking at the bed canopy.


"Ahh I see" she laughed. "How old are you again?"

"15, soon to be betrothed if that's what your asking." It was true most pure blood slytherin girls were married by force not choice once they were 16, and it was the scary truth that Selene was 16 in 2 months.

"You know who yet?"

"Knowing my parents they will probably pick the worst most perfect stuck up asshole in all the pure blood slytherin land." the sixth year joked even though it was true.

"Yeah good luck with that" Narcissa laughed.

"How's Lucius"

"As good as ever" Selene snorted,

"Nice, so how's Lucius actually"

"I forget how nosy you are" Narcissa laughed, she girl had always been like an older sister and best friend to Selene despite only being a year older than her, "he's okay, can be a bit extreme, sometimes forgets I'm not a bloody house elf"

"You most certainly are not. As much as I would love to pester you about your life, I have somewhere to be right now."

"It's 11pm" Narcissa raised her eyebrows but quickly came to realization, "i see"

"yup" she grinned

"Don't let me get in the way then, I will see you tomorrow" she waved a goodbye as the sixth year slid out of the dormitory and down the steps. she pulled out the square parchment as black ink started rising from nowhere, bathroom occupied, meet me at the edge of the forbidden forest. Selene used a spare quill left on the table in the common room and write back ok before making her way towards the doors in the entrance hall.

Remus was waiting on the edge of the forest wearing sweatpants with his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, when he saw the girl walking across the grounds in a slytherin sweatshirt and pajama shorts. "aren't you cold?" he asked with a smirk, she was freezing but would never admit it, and he knew that.

"No I am not" she glared at him playfully. as she approached him he swung his arm around her and started walking into the forest. "Lupin where are we going" she asked as the tall trees engulfed them into a darker night than before. She was cold, very cold.

"It's a secret" he smiled.

"But if we die, I will not even know where we were going" She argued.

"Hush up, we aren't dying. At least I'm not." he muttered the last part.

"What!" she exclaimed stopping in her tracks to slap the boys arm.

"Well I'm just saying you run really slow!" he reasoned.

"I do not!" she stood in shock, "you just have abnormally long legs!"

"Excuse me!"

"You do!" she laughed.

"You're so dead" before he could finish his sentence she took off weaving through the trees, away from the gryffindor boy.

Despite her efforts he quickly caught up with her grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close so her back was against his chest. "Slow poke" he whispered in her ear, his breath hot against her skin, sending goosebumps though out her already ice cold skin.

"Long legs" she laughed leaning he head back onto his chest.

"Come on we are almost here," he laced his hand into hers and led her through the trees for about a minute longer until he stopped at a large tree with a trunk that was about the size of a baby pool.

"What a wonderful tree, mind me asking why?" she questioned looking at the tree that appeared complete normal.

"Watch this" Remus walked over the bark and pulled out his wand and muttered the incantation, "Dissendio"  with his wand pressed against the bark. Nothing appeared to happen for a second but at once the grooves in the bark seemed to part and form an open archway leading a small room inside.

Selene's eyes widened as Remus led her through the archway into the inside of the hollowed out tree. In place of the tree trunk was a wooden staircase hugging the wall, spiraling up the trunk of the enchanted tree. He led her up the stairs until they reached the room at the top.

The slytherin girl couldn't help but smile. There was no roof on the room, just the night sky. Selene realized she was in a tree house, as the tops of branches could be viewed from the room, inside however there were books stacked high into messy piles in one corner and a blanket laid out in the another corner. There were candles lit on top of various book and scattered on the floor, illuminating the room with a soft orange glow. She looked back at Remus, "This is beautiful Rem" He smiled and grabbed her hand and spun her around until they were pressed against each other and lightly kissed her lips,

"Watch this" he smiled into the kiss and with a flick of his wand he extinguished the candle lights leaving them in darkness, except from the dim light from the stars above. He led her over the blanket and the two of them laid down and selene rested her head on his chest,

"I wish we didn't have to sneak around" she whispered, "I wish my bloody parents wouldn't murder me if they found out."

"I know darling, but it's better this way, this way we both get to keep living," he laughed, "but trust me when it might be worth death to kiss you in front of all the boys who exist around you, especially that Ravenclaw bloke" he huffed.

"Dylan Dorner? the one James hexed before their match against each other?"

"You knew about that?"

"Everyone knew about that, who else would've  done it?" she laughed.

"I suppose, but something about him, I don't like it," he started

"So if he mysteriously ends up in the hospital wing in a few days, that's a coincidence?" she asked. It wouldn't be the first time someone got close to Selene and mysteriously ended up hexed or cursed.

"Complete coincidence" Remus grinned. The two watched the starts in the sky until tiredness overtook them, and they both fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.

how cute

anyway u should vote lol <3

1.1k words

evergreen • remus lupinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora