6. late

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Remus awoke the next morning feeling complete serenity. Given no matter how much a person hates the morning, waking up with a beautiful girl sleeping on your chest can really help. His calm state of mind was soon interrupted when he came to the realization of what happened. "Shit" he muttered. He propped himself up on his elbows and gently shook Selene, "Selene, wake up"

"No" she mumbled

"Selene we have class in" he searched for a clock "7 minutes"

"What?" she shot up. They weren't supposed to fall asleep there but tangled in each other's arms under the stars, sleep overtook them.

"We gotta go," Remus hurried her, the two of them still both in sweatshirts and sweatpants, with Selene in shorts. Selene was cursing under her breath as they headed down the stairs,

"We have Potions, fuck" she called out.

"Sluggy won't care he loves you, and I am never late, so once it can slide"

"That's the point!" she yelled running out the archway of the tree, Remus closed the archway on his way out, "What will it look like if you and I both show up, late, together!" she continued now speeding through the forest.

"The slytherin common room is much closer to the potions classroom than the gryffindor common room, you'll make it there first anyway it's fine!" Remus tried to calm her down and they reached the edge of the forest. Hopefully no one was watching the grounds at that moment because seeing Remus Lupin and Selene Rowle leaving the Forbidden Forest together, didn't look very good for either of them.

They hurried across the grounds and into the entrance hall, "I'll see you in potions Rowle,"
Remus teased as they reached the hallway to the dungeons.

"Later Lupin" Selene called heading towards the portrait hole.

Meanwhile in potions Sirius was staring at the empty seat next to him usually occupied by Remus. Sirius hardly ever paid attention in class, he usually let James or Remus do the work and then copied it when needed. He really tried to listen to Slughorn drone on about potions but he physically couldn't, so he just stared at the empty space where his friend should be.

James was worried, he saw Sirius staring at Remus' chair, when they woke up that morning Remus wasn't there, they assumed he was already at breakfast, but he wasn't at breakfast. This resulted in neither paying attention in potions, Sirius was moping was James was trying to figure out where his friend could be. Peter was sitting there reluctantly taking notes, because he knew one of the marauders had to take notes for the rest.

The sound of the door opening snapped James and Sirius out of there trance. They whipped there heads around to find a mildly disheveled Selene, strutting towards her seat next to Theodore Nott,

"Miss Rowle!" Slughorn called.

"Hi professor I am so sorry, I got carried at the library studying the ingredients for the Draught of Living Death" Selene lied

"Ahh don't worry-" Slughorn started

"Bullshit" Sirius called out, "Name one ingredient in the Draught of Living Death"

"Powdered root of asphodel, infusion of wormwood, valerian root, sopophourus bean, sloth brain, moondew" she responded sweetly shooting a smug look at the Black.

"Very good! 10 points to Slytherin!" Slughorn called out proudly.

"She's getting rewarded for being late!" James chimed in

"At least when I'm late it's not cause I was off cursing some 1st years" Selene shot back taking her seat. "Hey" she addressed the boy next to her.

"Hey" Theodore Nott answered her. Before she could say anything else a piece of crumbled up parchment landed on her table. She looked up a few rows and saw Sirius looking back with a confused expression, she smoothed out the paper.

Where's Moony? was scribbled in messy writing she fished a quill out of her bag and scribbled under it

Who? she knew who but it would be suspicious if she understood their secret nickname. She chucked the paper at Sirius Blacks forehead

Remus. she looked up at him and mother why i don't know. Sirius just shrugged. The next 30 minutes of class Slughorn explained the process of making veritaserum and the importance of its dangers. Selene was starting to get worried, where was Remus, he left for his common room 30 minutes ago? She tried to reason different theories all while occasionally scribbling something down to give the false impression of work.

Around halfway through class the sound of the door swinging open interrupted the potions preofessor for the second time that lesson , this time many more heads turned to find Remus Lupin casually walking in and taking a seat next to an extremely excited Sirius, who looked like a dog with a tennis ball.

"Mr. Lupin, care to explain your absence?" Slughorn asked.

"Slept in, my sincerest apologies" Remus answered with a hint of sarcasm.

"Five points from Gryffindor" He answered smoothly before going back to teaching. "I have here two extremely different potions" Slughorn continued holding up two glass flasks of clear liquid, "one of which is pumpkin juice, simply disguised as water, the other however is a truth potion, not nearly as strong as veritaserum, but powerful enough to get a secret or two out of its consumer."

"Your job today is to make the potion on page 184 of your textbooks, the steam from this potion will reveal which vial is safe to drink, you will all make your own potions but you may seek help from your partner." and with that the gryffindor and slytherin students all flipped their books open and begun brewing.

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