24. reunited

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Selene's last class of the day was astronomy, and that wasn't until night so she had a lot of free time on her plate on Tuesdays. She spent a good portion of this time hunched over books in the library, searching for more on invisible ink, or the newfound phrase...

Noli intrare

There was one book in the entire library that Selene could find that remotely mentioned invisible ink. Just one. And it mentioned how to reveal invisible ink but never how to obtain it. On that page however Selene revealed two words

Noli intrare

She recognized it to likely be Latin. She searched the whole library and never once found those words on any book title. She also doubled back and tried the reveal spell on every book she had already read, she came up empty, nothing except...

Noli intrare

She needed to find someone who spoke Latin. Who the hell spoke Latin? 

Probably Remus. 

She was returning some of the books back to the shelves when she saw a thin novel on the top shelf sandwhiched between two larger novels. It had a dark blue cover with thin gold writing that had been weathered away over the years. 

She checked to see that no one was coming and quickly grabbed a chair so she could reach the book. 

She must have missed it because she would've thought to grab it. She got the book and hopped off the chair. She examined the cover, running her thumb over the gold detailing. 

Magical Quills and Ink.

She flipped through the pages gently as they had to be hundreds if not thousands of years old. 

The pages were yellow and looked to be typed on a type writer many moons ago. The pages were scattered with various stains and burnt edges. 

Selene tucked the book into her bag and continued returning books she was done with. The newfound book intrigued. She could've sworn that the book was not on that shelf on her many explorations of the library. Something about it just rubbed her the wrong way. 

Once she returned all the books she left the library with the mysterious book in her bag. It was around 2:30 in the afternoon. Selene had a couple hours to kill before meeting Remus at the treehouse. 

Tonight was a full moon and she had prefect duties with Calvin at night. She wished she could accompany him on his full moons, but she wasn't an animagus. He told her about the boys being animagi a long time ago, but the boys didn't know Selene knew. 

She had planned to meet before sunset which would mean around 4:00. So Selene ran back to her dorm and grabbed a jumper to survive the cold weather and she made her way to the treehouse early. 

Once she got up to the top she settled in with one of blankets that kept residence in the house and took out the navy blue book from the library. She opened the cover gently, and skimmed through the pages. 

Anti-cheating quills, auto answer quills, quick quotes quill, self inking quill, spell checking quills, paste like ink, never ending ink, multi colored ink. 

Selene flipped through the novel scanning each page. Everything in the book seemed like something a student would buy at a joke shop to cheat on a test. This did not seem like the type of content you would find in a book like that. Everything about it, the discovery of the book the content, it just seemed off, like something was missing that would explain everything. 

She continued to flip through useless quills and inks, but she stopped when she reached a page about sugar quills. It wasn't the sugar quills that caught her eye, or the exploding ink on the next page. It was the spine. Minuscule scraps of paper could be seen in between the two pages. 

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