36. studying

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he is so precious stop 


may 13 1977

It was that time of the year again. Exams. 

The time when students could be found in the library at any hour of the day studying. People's conversations almost always centered around N.E.W.T's or O.W.L's or other exams. 

Spare time in the hallway in between classes were used for extra studying, even the strictest of the prefects were lightening up on protocols, using patrols as time study and not reprimanding students for being out after curfew, because 90% of the time they were coming from the library, that was if they even came back. Most students just slept there now a days 

Students carried bags under their eyes and moved in slow motion. More black coffee was consumed in the months before and during exams than the rest of the months of the year combined. 

Even Selene's easy-going attitude towards the exams was being replaced by a slight panic as the exams neared.

So there she and Remus sat, in the Slytherin girls dorms, under the afternoon sun, with paper's laid out across the bed. 

Selene was sitting on the floor with her back against the bed frame and her hair in a messy bun with her wand holding it in place, biting the end of her quill studying patronuses, while Remus sat on the bed above her studying the Bubble Head charm. 

There was a small commotion of girls talking outside the door and Remus' head shot up. 

"No one's coming Rem. Narcissa is in library and she knows about us anyway." she assured him

"I know, but I still think we should've gone to my dorm, anyone could walk in." he sighed still looking at the door

"With Sirius and Peter there? We would get nothing done."

"I know, I just..." he trailed off.

"It will be fine Rem"

"Okay" he whispered kissing the top of her head and going back to  studying. 


They studied for the rest of the afternoon, exchanging notes and textbooks trying to study all the material.

"We've been studying for like 4 hours and I've barely learned anything, there's so much fucking curriculum." Selene groaned throwing her papers on the ground.

"You sound like Sirius" Remus mused while still looking at an essay he wrote for potions. 

"I'm done for today I can't look at another scroll of parchment or I might throw myself off the astronomy tower" she complained

"Oh no don't do that" he mocked with no emotion in his voice

"Screw you" she flipped him off. He laughed still reading over the essay. 

"I should probably get going soon anyway" Remus told her starting to gather his papers, 

"Why your friends know you're here" she asked 

"It's almost dinner time, I want to get out before it gets to crowded" he stood up and grabbed the invisibility cloak. 

"You can't even stay for one more minute?" she whispered standing up and kissing him

"I guess one minute couldn't hurt" he threw the cloak and the papers on the floor and cupped the side of her face, kissing her back. 

And in that moment the two were too caught up in the moment to hear the door knob twist open. 

Selene pulled away as soon as the door creaked open. Both of their heads snapped over to where Theodore Nott was standing in the doorway. Rage overcame the Slytherin boy as his gaze fell on Remus. 

Theodore stormed over to where they were standing, seeing red. He told her time and time again she was not to see him. He gave her a second chance, to break up with him, and she still didn't know what was good for her. 

Selene put herself in between Theodore and Remus. This was going to be a lot harder to talk him down from than when he found Regulus in her dorm, but she had to try, 

"Theo-" Selene barely got a word out before slapped her across the face. She stumbled sideways in shock. 

"You're a dead man Lupin-" Theodore shoved Remus backwards, who was now also angry that Theodore just slapped his girlfriend. He swung his fist into the side of the Slytherin boys face, knocking him over. 

"Remus stop" Selene got in between the two boys again, trying to stop him as he tried to go beat up Theodore some more, "Stop Remus, just leave it"

"You're such a fucking whore Selene" Theodore spat from the ground, blood seeping out of his broken nose. 

Selene ignored, but Remus didn't. He moved the girl out of the way and kicked Theodore in the stomach with as much force as he could gather. 

"Leave. Now" Remus growled to the boy on the ground who now definitely had a few broken ribs. With a cold expression on his face Theodore just sat there for a moment. 

Selene saw his hand inching towards his back pocket, and quickly withdrew her wand a moment before he did, 

"Expelliarmus!" his wand went flying in the air. In a swift motion she caught it and snapped it in half on her leg. She threw the scrap pieces of wood into the corner, 

"Get the fuck out Nott" she spat

With a look of horror on his face, Theodore retreated out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Remus looked at the girl in complete admiration, 

He had never been so attracted to her. 

A wave of realization washed over her as the two stood in silence. 

"Fuck." she muttered, "Fuck fuck oh my fucking hell, what did I do, what did I do" she paced around the room.

"Selene look at me" Remus grabbed both her shoulders and made her look at him,

"Remus what am I gonna do, what are we gonna do?" she panicked "He was already pissed with me, said he'd give me one more chance, and fuck I just blew it" she sighed

"Everything going to be okay Selene-"

"No Remus everything's not going to okay, he's going to tell my parents now there's nothing I can do to stop him, you're gonna die, I'm gonna die, what the fuck did I do" she rambled

"Selene stop"


"No. Selene just stop for one sec." he said calmly, "Just take a deep breath okay?" she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, 

"Okay." she whispered

"Okay." he brought her into a warm hug "See you're okay, I'm okay. Everything's going to be okay, I'm not going anywhere, I'm right here" It hurt him so much to see her in this pain. He just wanted to hold her and never let go.

She wondered how he always knew the exact right thing to say. While her subconscious mind was still swimming in angst and adrenaline, she let her conscious mind relax and just take in the scent of book pages and chocolate, 

"Everything's gonna be okay" 

a/n: hey guys i'm really sorry, my updating's been inconsistent and my writing has been not great, it's been a rough month. i'm just going through a lot but i'm trying to distract myself with this 

i loved writing this chapter <3

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