12. the ball pt. 1

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selene's dress

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selene's dress

More and more guests starting arriving as the night went on and by the time the sun was setting. Most of the sacred twenty eight was in the Rowle's ballroom, minus the 'blood traitors'. The huge chandeliers hung from the high ceilings illuminating the dance floor, which people were slow dancing on. Selene was standing in the corner with Regulus and Sirius Black, all three of them throwing back firewhiskey like it was water.

"I hate this" Selene muttered setting down her glass.

"I despise everyone here" Regulus groaned.

"Everyone here wants to kill me" Sirius mumbled.

The three of them were standing, watching everyone dancing and interacting. Selene was feeling the detailing on her dress between her fingers while Theodore Nott eyed her smugly from across the room,

"Theodore is eye fucking me from across the room" Selene groaned, "Reg dance with me, he looks like he might come over here"

"May I have this dance then?" Regulus dramatically held out his hand, which Selene took with a small smile as they made their way over to where everyone was waltzing. "You know how to waltz?" Regulus asked.

"Obviously. You weren't forced to take dancing lessons when you were 13?" she smirked

"You bet your ass I was" Regulus smirked back, and with that he put one of his hands gently on Selene's waist and took her hand in the other, "You ready for this Rowle, cause my dancing skills are unmatched"

"Bring it Black" and the two Slytherins waltzed around the ballroom together laughing and carefree for about three more songs before they got too tired.

"Bloody hell" Selene panted as they made their way back to Sirius who was smirking at the two. "I forgot how hard dancing was" she grabbed Sirius' firewhiskey and took a long sip.

"You two really seemed to enjoy yourselves, pretty sure you sold everyone in this room on the dating thing, I almost believed it" Sirius grinned taking back his drink.

"Oh yeah" Regulus added out of breath, the truth was the two forgot about everything else in the world while they were dancing, nothing mattered except them.

"You knew?" She asked Sirius wondering how he knew their relationship was fake.

"Obviously, you can't get anything by me I am the smartest-"

"I told him" Regulus cut him off, Selene gave Regulus a silent look of disapproval, "I trust him, I promise" he reassured her

"Fine" she leaned her back against the wall and huffed out another breath, "I need to get these heels off" but before she could someone approached her.

"I want you to go dance with Theodore Nott" Her fathers booming voice commanded, "And don't even think about arguing with me Selene"

"Fine" she hissed, she turned to Regulus gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I'll catch up with you after, okay?"

"Okay" he said back and with that Delston Rowle led his daughter over to where an all too smug Theodore Nott was standing.

"May I have this dance?" he asked smugly

"Do I have a choice?" she asked, unamused, with a raised eyebrow

"No" Theodore grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor where everyone was partaking in a traditional ballroom dance, "I know you know how to dance so don't mess up of purpose" he forcefully grabbed her waist and pulled her close enough so that they were touching.

Theodore was a few inches shorter than Remus so Selene came up to his nose but she still felt scared around. Him she felt small, but she didn't dare show it. They started dancing around the ballroom, Theodore kept her way closer to him than she needed to be, she was extremely uncomfortable, but she danced and didn't dare mess up.

Theodore and the rest of the men on the dance floor gripped the waist of their dance partner and lifted them in the air and spun them around. Theodore however squeezed Selene's waist making her squirm slightly, which pleased Theodore immensely. Once she was brought back down and they were in close proximity again, he brought his mouth to her ear

"You are mine now, nobody will care what I do to you, you are my wife after all" he whispered, his breath hot against her ear.

"I would die before I marry you Theodore" she said calmly trying to suppress her panic, "Besides, I have a boyfriend and I have full intentions on marrying him" that wasn't a lie it just wasn't who Theodore thought.

"Face it Selene, Regulus can't save you, you are marrying me, I will make sure of it" the two were still dancing and twirling around the dance floor while talking

"You are a monster, you need to face it, I will never surrender to you" she spat. He grabbed her hand with such force she thought it might break. He dragged her out of the main hall where everyone was partying into the adjacent hall, she tried to struggle out of his grip but he only held on tighter.

He suddenly turned and slammed Selene into the stone wall, she let out no sign of pain or fear, he pinned both her hands against the wall

"You're a stubborn bitch Selene you know that?" he growled

"Then leave" she answered through gritted teeth

"No, when I want something I get it" she scoffed

"You are the most ignorant person I have ever met" She jammed her knee up between his legs and he stumbled back in shock and pain.

"You bitch" she slipped her wand out of her bra where she had been hiding it she pointed it at him and yelled

"Stupefy!" he flew back into the wall and crumbled to the floor unconscious, luckily the music was loud enough in the ballroom that no one heard her yell or the echo of Theodore slamming into the wall.

She stood in the doorway to the ballroom and made eye contact with Sirius from across the room, Selene's head had been spinning she looked back at the unconscious boy behind her and back at Sirius and took off in the opposite direction in desperate need of fresh air.

"I hate these parties, I can't snog, nor do I want to snog any of the girls here" Sirius was talking with Regulus when he saw Selene appear in the doorway looking extremely disheveled and distressed. He knew she was with Theodore but he didn't see him anywhere, Selene glanced behind her and back at the boy and took off with a pleasing look in her eyes.

"Reg, I'll be right back" he muttered still looking at the space where Selene once stood

"Are you okay?" Regulus asked with concern, he hadn't seen Selene.

"Fine, I'll only be a minute" and he took off across the room to the door. When he stepped into the hallway he saw an unconscious Theodore laying against the wall, he smirked to himself, as he passed the boy he saw his wand laying next to him, he thought for a moment he should take it, but he was more concerned with Selene and if she was okay he just continued his pursuit down the hall.

That of which was a decision that would change his life forever.

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