42. new friends

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may 15, 1977

Later that night, to everyones surprise, you could find the four marauders, Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon and Selene Rowle in the Gryffindor common room all sitting around the dying fire. 

For the entire duration of the day, Selene stuck close with the marauders and the girls, trying to avoid hexes from Slytherin students. 

The six Gryffindors she was sitting with at the moment, were probably the only people that didn't hate her. Slytherins thought she was a filthy blood traitor, and that she was wasting precious pure blood. Gryffindors thought she was using Remus and that she was a 'snake spy', so she stuck with the six people that accepted her.

"Wait, wait, you two got caught shagging, by the three of them?!" Marlene asked Selene through laughs

"Yes, a part of me died that day" she laughed

"I personally was scarred for life" Sirius raised his hand

"Yup" James also raised his hand

"It was terrifying" Peter raised his hand

"You're all so dramatic" Remus rolled his eyes, pulling Selene into his lap.

"I still can't believe you two are dating, I mean I never would've even thought you two to be friends!" Lily said

"Same" Peter said, 

"Yes well most people wouldn't, which I guess means we hid it well" Selene shrugged

"I thought you were with Theodore Nott?" Marlene asked. Remus rolled his eyes and huffed, 

"Yeah we don't like Nott" she sighed patting Remus' chest, "He found out about us and blackmailed me into dating him, I hate him"



"I still want to kill him" all the marauders mumbled, 

"Wow, remind me not to mention him ever again" Marlene laughed

"Does your family know about Remus?" Lily asked. 

Selene had a hard time getting to know Lily. She had done nothing wrong but when she saw Lily, she saw how James fawned over her, and she saw how Regulus watched James sadly. 

It was all just a protective feeling over her best friend, and once she realized it, she became much fonder of the girl. 

"Oh Merlin no. They'd kill both of us." she told her

"That's terrible" Lily shook her head

"I know, I hate my family, and all it stands for" Lily looked proudly at the blonde girl. 

Not one comment had been brought up about Lily being a muggle-born, because why would they? Lily quickly realized that Selene didn't care about blood status.

Lily stood up and dragged Marlene with her, 

"C'mon, let's go up to our dorm" she held her hand out to Selene who took it,  "You must be sick of these four" 

"Okay" she smiled, 

"Hey!" Remus protested at his girlfriend being dragged away

"Shut up" Marlene hushed him, 

"I'll be back" she laughed at Remus as the girls dragged her up the stairs. When they got up to their dorm, Marlene slammed the door shut. 

There were four beds in the room, Marlene and Lily sat on the one closet to the door, which Selene assumed to be Marlene's due to the surrounding mess. 

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