100. ends

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may 28, 1978

"I can't believe it's finally over" Selene exclaimed, walking down the halls with Remus. Students ran through the halls getting their affairs in order trying to make it to the carriages so they didn't miss the train "Hogwarts feels so safe, I'm kinda wishing I flunked this year so I could stay here another" 

"It's ok, we'll be okay" Remus assured her "Is your trunk all packed?"

"Yep, already sent it down"

"That makes two of us. Sirius however has loads left to do"

"Of course he does I'd expect no less" she smirked 

"I haven't wrapped my head around it yet" Remus said looking around

"Around what?"

"Just leaving... I mean I have spent so much of my life here. Everything I have in life is because of this place, the Marauders, you, magic, all of it"

"It is crazy isn't it, but I don't think we're done here, we just won't be students here anymore. But speaking of the lot, should we go get there? Carriages are probably filling up." 

"Yes we shall" 

Once they finally boarded the train they settled into a compartment, their signature compartment, with Remus, Selene and Sirius on one side, and James, Lily, and Peter on the other side. 

They watched nostalgically as the train pulled out of Hogwarts station for the last time. Selene leaned her head on Remus' shoulder and Sirius in suit put his head on Selene's shoulder, naturally embracing his role as the third wheel 

"Thanks guys for including me in this moment" he smiled

"Anytime Padfoot" Selene patted his head 

"To a great seven years" Sirius pretended to hold up a glass of something, "and to the many more to come" the all fake cheered and pretend to clink glasses before falling into a thoughtful silence once again. 

"We have Prefect duties to do, so we will meet you guys at the station," James and Lily stood up as did Remus and Selene, headed out the compartment and towards the other prefects. 

When the train finally pulled into the station, the students unloaded all the trunks and headed onto the platform. Remus and Selene said their temporary goodbyes to the group before they met up with Hope and Lyall Lupin who apparatated them back to the Lupin Cottage before Selene's parents could find her on the platform. 

the lupin cottage^ (again picture whatever you want)

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the lupin cottage^ 
(again picture whatever you want)

They landed out front the cottage in the quaint little garden full of herb bushes and colorful flowers. Selene may have been to many pristine houses, but this was a home. The soaked up the sweet sickly scent of the plants as she walked up to the front door, tailing behind Hope Lupin. 

"How was your school years darlings?" Hope asked 

"It was good Mum, N.E.W.T's kicked my ass but it wasn't bad" Remus answered

"Watch your language in front of a lady Remus" Hope teased "And how was your year Selene?"

"Oh never a dull moment, but I had plenty of fun" she smiled. Selene unpacked her bags in the guest room and came out and sat the kitchen counter. The walls were lined with green cabinetry and the countertops were made of wood. She sat at a stool, where Hope poured her a glass of iced tea, 

"I'm glad you're here with us this summer, Selene" Hope smiled genuinely, she was a lot less scary this time around meeting her, "I know we didn't get to do a full meet and greet but Remus has nothing bad to say about you dear"

"Aw, I'm glad to hear, and yes last time was definitely on a rushed clock"

"I feel so much better knowing you two will be safe this summer, or at least somewhere, where I know" she grinned. Selene never realized how hard last summer probably was on the parents and family of all the marauders. 

"I must admit it is nice to be in one place for more than a week" she laughed 

"We are thrilled to have you here"

"Not scaring her away are you Mum?" Remus teased walking into the kitchen, kissing Selene on the cheek and his mother on the forehead.

"Oh stop it" she swatted at him, right as a heather gray owl, Remus recognized to be Clancy the Potter's owl showed up at the window. Remus took the scroll from the bird and unrolled it as Clancy flew away. 

"The Potter's are inviting us over for dinner" He announced while reading, "All four of us, and the Pettigrew's too" 

"Do you children never get bored of each other?"Hope huffed jokingly "Of course Rem, we can apparate over at 6?"

"Sure" he nodded

"What about Lil?" Selene asked. Remus continued reading, 

"Says here she's living with the Potter's at the present" he frowned, "Her family didn't want her home with all the muggle murders"

"That's dreadful" Selene ached for the girl, "Poor Lily, I'm sure Mia and Monty are taking good care of her" 

They relaxed and chatted a bit more over several glasses of iced tea before they all went to go get ready. Selene had various articles of clothing laid out on her bed examining which to wear when she felt two hand slide around her waist and wrap her in a warm embrace. 

She cuddled backwards into Remus hug, nuzzling her head into his neck, 

"Hi love" she smiled softly 

"Hi Sel" he kissed her forehead 

"What's up?" she asked 

"Just haven't had much alone time today, finally some peace and quiet after all the train and packing chaos" 

"Exactly my sentiments." he smiled, "Wait here I have a surprise for you" and with that he kissed Selene on the cheek and darted out of the room, returning moment later with both hands behind his back, revealing one as holding a beautiful bouquet of an arrangement of flowers and in the other he held a vase. 

"Mum and I picked them out from the garden, a little welcoming gift" he beamed, placing the flowers in the vase, and on the nightstand

"Remus Lupin you didn't" she beamed

"Of course, I did" he wrapped her in a hug, "You deserve the world my love, and I'm just here to give it to you" he whispered. 

She let herself sink into his embrace, and just feeling safe in his arms for a moment.

1k words

woohoo 100 chapters!!

i feel like no one is reading this anymore, that's ok though i owe you guys an ending

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