61. the caves

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They ended up at a cave on the beach that Peter and his sister used to go with their cousins. They had set up the two tents right next to each other under the cover of the cave. 

They were all sitting together listening to Selene talk, "So it's no secret that there are death eaters coming after us, I know the last time we dealt with them was before the wedding, but everything has changed now."

"How so?" Sirius asked. 

"The first time they came after us, I heard one of them yell that they needed me alive, this was for the wedding, I realize now. They needed me alive so I could marry Theodore, and I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if I ticked my family off one too many times"

 "What are you trying to say?" James asked

"I think they finally realized their efforts on forcing me into their world, are pointless and it's my belief that the next time we come into contact with them, their orders will just be to kill me and you guys."

They fell into an eerie silence. "So what does this mean?" Peter said 

"I think we need to change our mentality." she said firmly "Every time we fight them, they catch us by surprise, we know they are coming soon, I'd bet tomorrow or the next day, and we need to be ready for it, we need to send a message to my parents that we aren't children who just keep getting lucky." 

"We should really stick close by to each other" Sirius added, "I feel like when they catch us when we're split up, it puts us at an immediate disadvantage." They all nodded in agreement. 

"Do you think they'll send more people this time?" Peter asked. "I mean if they had access to the numbers, wouldn't they send as many people as they could?" 

"Yeah you're right" Selene nodded, though she really hated that he was.


It was the next morning when the five of them were sitting together, eating breakfast in the cave. They had stayed pretty quiet the rest of the night and into that morning, mostly preparing for what was about to happen. Somehow the steaks kept getting higher and higher.

 When they heard the crack of apparation, they quickly grabbed their wands and hid behind the tents, out of the view of the five masked figures that walked in the cave. 

"I don't see anyone" A deep voice spoke, echoing through the cave, 

"Well there are tents here so look around" a female voice snapped. The five teenagers locked eyes for a few moments right before James mouthed now and they all jumped out from behind the tents, 

"Stupefy!" They all yelled shooting a jet of white light out of their wands. One of the death eaters was knocked backwards to the ground, but the other four blocked them. 

They quickly advanced on the kids firing spells back at them. Two of the remaining death eaters were shorter, with smaller builds, whereas the other two were bigger and bulkier. James quickly fired a body binding curse on one of the smaller death eaters, and moving to help Peter with the large one. 

Selene and Sirius were dueling the last remaining death eater that was close to their size, when James was stunned, sending him flying backwards into the sand. Peter to continued dueling the large figure, until he managed to stun him into unconsciousness. 

Sirius, mistakenly looked over at Peter with a proud look on his face, when a voice cried "Expelliarmus!" it was the girls voice, and it was oddly familiar to Selene, she couldn't put her finger on who though. 

Sirius' wand went flying behind him and he held his hands up in surrender. But before the girl could fire another spell Selene disarmed her. Now the girl had her hands up in surrender. Selene walked towards her with a disgusted look on her face. 

"Take off your mask you fucking coward" she spat still holding her wand just inched from the girls face. 

"Why don't you take it off for me?" she spat back sarcastically and Selene waved her wand, making the mask dissolve, leaving Romilda Rosier standing before her. 

"Romilda?" Selene said in disbelief, lowering her wand slightly. The Rosier girl took advantage of this, and kicked Selene in the stomach, hard, sending her stumbling backwards onto the sand. 

Meanwhile Remus finally managed to body bind the large death eater leaving him on the ground, rushing to help Selene up, who was clutching her stomach painfully. 

Romilda tried to advance on Sirius, swinging her fist, but Sirius caught it mid air and twisted her arm behind her body. The girl gasped in pain, and tried to struggle out of Sirius' grip, only causing herself more pain. 

"I really don't like to hurt girls but you asked for that" Sirius said to her. Selene walked over to the girl, ignoring the bruise she could feel forming on her stomach

"Why are you doing this?" she asked in disbelief, 

"You really don't get it do you" she said smugly "Little Selene gets everything and everyone she wants. Little Selene is always the victim" she mocked "Just grow the fuck up, and join the real world where we don't all get everyone handed to us on a sliver platter"

"So what you're jealous of me?" Selene laughed angrily, 

"Don't flatter yourself. He only has eyes for you and you don't even want him" 

"Theodore?" Selene actually laughed "Take him Romilda, I don't fucking want him!" she yelled. She couldn't believe this girl was actually in love with Theodore to the extent that she was going to kill Selene. 

"That's the problem as long as you're alive he only wants you" 

"Then by all means be my guest and inform him it will never happen!" 

"I've tried that, all he talks about is you, marrying you, dating you, killing you, it's all fucking you!" Selene rolled her eyes, 

"Give me a break." she scoffed. 

"You think you're so tough-" the Rosier girl scoffed

"No Rosier you think you're tough. You think you're the shit, but you're just some little lovesick schoolgirl, who lets jealousy ruin her life." 

"Tell me Rowle" she spat "How are you any different from me a lovesick schoolgirl?" she mocked. Selene smiled, she walked right into that

"I can get a guy to like me back" she smirked. Romilda eyes filled with rage as she struggled even harder against Sirius' grip. 

"Tie her up and leave her, we have to move" Selene scoffed walking back towards the tents, ignoring Romilda's yelling and cursing at her. 

Selene, Remus and James packed up all the stuff while Sirius and Peter watched Romilda and the other death eaters. Two of them were under the body binding curse, and two were knocked out cold, and the last was, of course tied up. 

They finished gathering all their things and got ready to head out, before they left however, Selene walked up to Romilda. If the girl had just told Selene about her feelings for Theodore, minus a little bit of judgement for her taste in men, Selene would've felt bad for the girl and seen if she could've helped her, but instead Romilda jumped to conclusions and tried to kill Selene, in hopes that that got her what she wanted. 

She also kicked Selene in the stomach, which really pissed her off. It was all enough to make Selene sink to her level. 

She mockingly squatted down so she was on the same level as Romilda, like a teacher squatting to talk to a young student. She looked her straight in the eyes and smirked, 

"He will never love you" she whispered before getting back up and taking Remus' arm, disappearing, leaving the girl alone, seething on the beach with four useless idiots.

1.3k words

What do you guys think of Romilda, I'm curious?

third chapter in less than four hours 

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