11. christmas pt. 2

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a/n: rowle mansion^^

also this chapter is a little dark, some dark thoughts

When Selene arrived at the Rowle Mansion, the weather was nothing like the sun that once was at King's Cross, a thick blanket of dark clouds covered the skies as far as the eye could see, there was an unfriendly wind that sent chills down Selene's spine. If she didn't know any better she would have said they were in the presence of dementors. The house was high up on a cliffside, it made Selene feel like she was in prisoner, no way out.

She walked in and took her trunk to her room, her parent's could've made Pinky, the house elf do it, but Selene wanted to, and why burden Pinky with something she could do. She took her trunk to her room and changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a slytherin hoodie and made her way through the massive halls to her favorite part of the mansion.

When she arrived at the library she made her way to the shelf about Magical Creatures and pulled out a heavy book with old yellowing pages, she sat in the chair in front of the fire and opened the book to the page about dragons. Selene always loved Magical Creatures, they fascinated her, she thought many of them they extremely misunderstood. When people treat animals like animals and not like a living thing with feelings that has to survive, they will get hurt, and nine times out of ten it is the humans fault.

Selene was reading peacefully when her parents came in the room and stood in front of her, she could see them out of the corner of her eye but she continued to read

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Selene was reading peacefully when her parents came in the room and stood in front of her, she could see them out of the corner of her eye but she continued to read. "Selene" he father coughed.

"Hello father." she said with mock sweetness

"Selene, why weren't we informed of your relationship with Regulus Black sooner than by his own parents?" he asked. More like why wasn't I informed of our relationship sooner she thought. "We had an arranged marriage with Theodore Nott, but now the Blacks think Regulus would be a better option, and the Nott's are not happy" she cringed at the boys name, but understood why Regulus lied about their relationship

"I'm sorry father I assumed you already had a match and I did not see any need to uproot that plan if me and Regulus wouldn't stay together." she apologized.

"Well now the Nott's are quiet upset with me and with you, which is something I would not like, and now I have to talk to the Black's and the Nott's and figure your mess out!" he raised his voice, and in that moment Selene snapped,

"My mess? How is this my mess! I don't want to be betrothed to Theodore Nott, you want that, not me!"

"And as your father you will do as I say, you don't get to decide Selene!" he yelled, she had been pushed over the edge and she knew she was about to say something she regret.

"I'm so sick of it never being my decision, I am not fucking marrying Theodore Nott, I don't care what you say or do to me!" Selene yelled and in that moment she realized she went too far and couldn't react before her father's ringed hand met the side of her face, she stumbled back a little. Instead of making things worse she stormed out of the library slamming the door behind her. She stormed off to her room in a small blur of tears.

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