82. killer queen

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october 29, 1977

Selene and Remus were too caught up in their own stoned world, singing Killer Queen to realize that Lily wasn't with them anymore, but they weren't too stoned, nor was anyone else at the party, to see what happened next. 

At the sound of a loud crash, Selene turned away from where she was seductively dancing on Remus, to see Caleb Crockett, stumbling back into the wall, clutching his face. 

"What the hell is your problem?!" both Caleb and Lily shrieked at James. 

"My problem?" James scoffed

"For fuck's sake, why? We've only been here for like fifteen minutes" Selene groaned, 

"Let's go" Remus said pulling her over towards the mess

"Okay, outside both of you" Remus spoke firmly at James and Lily

"But he-" Lily started

"No. Outside. Now." Selene cut her off, grabbed her hand and pulling her out of the party, with Remus and James behind them.

"Okay you two are being ridiculous." Selene huffed as the four of them stepped outside the common room

"He-" Lily started

"Especially you Lily" Selene pointed at her, 

"I thought you two were old enough to have this conversation alone but apparently not."

"Okay let's start this way" Remus spoke calmly "Lily, why are you mad at James?"

"Because he's a coward" she stared into James' hurt eyes

"Okay why are you really mad at him?"

"Because he won't grow a pair and ask me to be his girlfriend"

"Okay James, your turn"

"Lily, I obviously want to ask you, but I've been pining over you since first bloody year, and you finally decided to go on a date with me. I was scared if I asked you too soon, you'd get spooked and leave" James spoke

"Merlin, you're pathetic" she spat. 

Remus and Selene's jaws dropped as James recoiled like an injured deer, no pun intended. 

"Lily" Remus said in disbelief

"No. You're pathetic James Potter. I've been hinting to you for days that I wanted you to ask me out but you're just sitting there like a bloody child, wallowing in your own self pity"

"You know, I would've done it tonight, but you've been yelling at me calling me names the whole night, and less than five minutes ago, you were snogging a fucking snake, so excuse me Lily if I'm a little hesitant at the moment!" he finally stood up for himself to Selene's extreme pleasure. 

She had no clue where this side of the girl was coming from. She knew Lily could be harsh and kind of cold, but this was completely different, this was just pure mean. She was definitely on James' side at the moment, as was Remus. 

"So it's all my fault now?" Lily scoffed

"I'm trying really hard not to be mad at you, but you're pushing it."

"Unbelievable" she scoffed again turning and walking out of the hallway. 

"Should I go after her?" James turned to Remus and Selene as Lily turned the corner

"No, she's being a bitch, just give her time to cool off" Selene shook her head,

"So would it be inappropriate to get drunk right now?" James asked

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