39. three a.m.

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holy mother of merlin he is fine^


may 14, 1977

Remus awoke at around 3 in the morning to an empty bed. He shot up and looked around his dorm which had no Selene in it. 

"Guys" he called out loudly 

Peter stirred, James sat up slowly, and a pillow flew from Sirius' bed. 

"She's gone, Selene's not here." Peter and Sirius woke up instantly, 

"What?" Sirius scrambled out of bed 

"Who has the map?" The marauders scrambled around the room and in a blur of chaos, James' finally revealed the map from his nightstand, 

" I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" They panicked as they searched the parchment up and down, 

"There!" Peter pointed "The quad" the boys all looked to the little ribbon pacing in the quad that read 'Selene Rowle'. In a cacophony of shouting and shuffling the boys all ran through the halls and out into the middle of the night where Selene was pacing back and forth. 

Selene was too preoccupied in her own swimming thoughts to hear the four boys barreling towards her, she was startled when she finally saw them all huffing towards her, 

"Merlins dick what are you doing here?" she jumped 

"What are you doing here?!" Remus asked

"I... " she sighed, "I just needed some fresh air. It's been a really long day." she continued her pacing around "I can't sleep"

"Selene." Sirius said cautiously, "You can tell us"

"I went to see Theodore" 

"What." Remus growled walking towards her 

"Remus just listen" she put her hand out an started walking backwards

"Why Selene?" he kept going

"Remus stop" she really didn't want to tell him that she was there to beg him to take her back

"Tell me why you were there" he said in a suggestive tone, now pushing against her hand which was trying to hold him back. 

"Are you trying to say something Remus?" she scoffed still walking backwards

"Just tell me what you were doing there!" the marauders watched from a far. They had never seen Remus and Selene fight like this, like actual fighting 

"Let's leave them alone" James muttered to Sirius and Peter, who nodded and followed James back into the castle.

"Remus, it's nothing, just let it go" she whispered trying to hold her tears at bay

"Just tell me Selene" he tilted her head up to look him in the eyes, "Please"

"It doesn't matter Remus, just let it go" she pleaded

"Just tell me" he persisted

"Fine Remus you want to you?" she cracked, "You really wanna know?" she stopped walking

"Yes! I do!" she knew doing this while angry would be something she would come to regret, but she was so overwhelmed she just went with it

"You're gonna die Remus!" she yelled, "If you come with me this summer, you're going to die, you and James and Sirius and Peter!"


"Remus you don't understand, my family will do anything to find me. The people they have to do their dirty work, people that have killed hundreds Remus, this isn't dueling Snape in the halls, this is real life, not some fun summer vacation"

"Selene, listen to me. I love you, but I really wouldn't go on this trip if I didn't have to. I'd rather spend the summer at home with you and the guys not running from death eaters. I promise you I don't romanticize it like Sirius and James do." he countered

"That's the thing Remus you don't have to go. I'm not forcing you to, I'd rather you don't, I can handle myself-"

"No you cannot! Against James or Sirius or Peter or Me, sure you'd win, but against full grown men and women, who are death eaters!"

"Remus I don't want to fight about this" she sighed

"You never do!" he scoffed

"Excuse me?" she raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms

"I didn't mean that" he sighed running his hand through his hair

"No Remus, what did you mean?" she asked angrily

"You never want to bloody fight! I get it sometimes but you always just walk away, everytime one of us raises our voice. Just fight Selene! Tell me what's wrong, yell at me, just stop walking away from me!"

"FINE!" She yelled "I asked Theodore for forgiveness, so we wouldn't have to hide this summer. That's what I was doing tonight, because if you or any one of your friends died?! Remus I wouldn't be able to live with myself, I can survive on my own for three months. Why don't you trust me?" 

"Selene I obviously trust you! But if you got hurt, I wouldn't be able to live myself. I don't care if the other three come with us or not, but I'm already in danger, so I'm coming with you, and we aren't fighting about it, we need to be together right now, not torn apart!"

"Okay." she sighed, 

"Okay?" he asked

"Let's go find the boys"


Peter was leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette, James was pacing back and forth, and Sirius was sitting against the wall when Selene and Remus came around the corner, holding hands.

"I see you two are in better moods?" Sirius quirked an eyebrow from the ground

"Much better" Remus smiled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"But we all need to talk" Selene said seriously, 

"What's up?" James asked as he stopped pacing

"I know I can't stop you lot from coming with us this summer, but I need to make some things clear" Selene started "This isn't going to be fun, we aren't going to be staying in hotels having the time of our lives, we will be on the run from death eaters and people that likely do their bidding for my family, which aren't good people."

"That's why we are here for you" Sirius assured her

"Thank you, really, but I'm not joking around when I say you might get really hurt or die, this is real life, there aren't do overs, and I promise you, I won't care if you don't want to go, I'd rather you stay safe at home, and none of you can judge each other for not wanting to go, you understand me? No. Judgement." they all nodded

"I can't stress enough dangerous this will be, because they have the trace on me, we will probably have to change locations every couple days, so we have a lot of planning to do if you guys still , for some idiot reason, want to go."

"Rowle, I'm going, but only to make sure there aren't any Mini Moony's running around next year" Sirius teased, 

"Merlin Sirius" she rolled her eyes

No promises Remus mouthed with a wink. Sirius snickered and Selene gave both boys a deadly look. 

"I'm still going" Peter added extinguishing his cigarette with a smile

"Me too" James nodded

"Okay. Then we really need to start planning." she smiled

the gif at the beginning >>>>

y'all i'm SO excited for the upcoming chap

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