9. birthday

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Selene had woke that November morning with very few moments of peace before she was stomped on by a certain Slytherin. "Get up, Get up, Get up!" Narcissa called out while jumping on Selene's bed with Selene still in it

"Why" she groaned

"It's your birthday" she cheered. She loved making a huge deal of Selene's birthday which drove the girl up the wall, which was precisely why she did it. Selene knew it was her birthday but she hoped if she neglected her birthday and refused to acknowledge it it would go away, sadly it did not. Her sixteenth birthday meant one thing to her and her parents, betrothal. She didn't know if they had to decency to wait to until Christmas to tell her in person or if she should be expecting their family owl, Arnold with a special message. She didn't know what a betrothal would mean for her and Remus but she doubted it was a good thing.

So all she wanted to do on November 28 was stay in bed and avoid her problems, of course Narcissa probably understood, some of what she was feeling but that was more along the lines of becoming betrothed, not as much having a secret boyfriend, but nevertheless she let Narcissa drag her out of bed and hand her a package

"Cissa you don't need to get me anything,"

"Yes I know my presence is enough but I insist" She held out the package, when Selene took it she knew it was a book and she curiously took of the wrapping, under was a book, as she guessed, with the title Peace and Prejudice it was a book she had briefly heard of some students talking about while studying near her at the library.

"Cissa, isn't this..."

"A muggle book, yes, I know you like them" she smiled "And no I won't tell anyone that you read them, I'm not my husband." she laughed, Narcissa loved so much that she could be herself around Selene and she didn't have to act like Lucius was the perfect gentleman and she didn't have to have proper pureblood behavior.

"Thank you Cissa, really" and she wrapped the older girl in a hug.

"Now let's get you ready" she exclaimed Selene rolled her eyes but let the girl straighten her hair and put on her makeup. She put on her uniform and headed down to breakfast with Narcissa. Almost immediately as she set foot in the Great Hall Sadie tackled her into a bear hug screaming 'Happy Birthday', ensuring that everyone heard her. There were several cheers from the Slytherin table as Selene walked by and took her normal seat next to Regulus and across from Sadie and Calvin.

"Happy Birthday Darling" Regulus laughed and Selene sat down next to him. He handed her a heavy gift

"Yes happy birthday Selly" She narrowed her eyes at Calvin's nickname for her but let it slide,

"Thank you boys" she chorused as she grabbed a piece of bacon off Calvin's plate. She looked back at the gift Regulus had dropped in her lap,

"Is it what I think it is" she asked

"It is" he grinned and kissed her on the cheek, "Happy birthday"

"Is what?" Sadie asked "Did we miss something?" she looked at her brother.

"It was a set of books from Diagon Alley I've wanted for the longest time" she explained

"And when she tried the buy them the shop got robbed by someone who looked a lot like her. The shop owner accused her of stealing, and banned us both from the store, for life."

'How'd you even get in there?"

"I have my ways" he smirked.

Throughout breakfast many people, mostly Slytherins came by and wished Selene a happy birthday. She never craved being the center of attention, but she wasn't one to shy away from it, she enjoyed walking through the halls and people she didn't know wising her a happy birthday but at the same time she felt like someone was always watching her, so she couldn't do anything wrong today, not that she was planning a ton of mischief, but she couldn't do anything suspicious.

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