Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Six [Rewritten]

Start from the beginning

"Oh, how kind of you" Robin gently smiled, taking the food as she handed the bag of popcorn to Chopper and the drink to me.

"Oh yeah, even if Luffy loses the last round, at least we'll all be a part of the same crew again" Chopper smiled as he attempted to look on the bright side of things. "Sure beats having everyone split up, don't you think?" he asked.

"Always positive, a good thing to have" I softly chuckled, patting the top of his head as I nodded in agreement.

"Well yes, that may be so—but even if we are together, the captain won't be our captain anymore" Robin pointed out. "Actually, he won't be a captain at all since the whole crew will be serving under Foxy" she reminded us.

"You're right, but I have faith Luffy won't lose" I grinned. "It's something I've picked up on after being on his crew for this long—he clearly has a dream he determined to fulfill, so I doubt he'd give it up that easily even if he were to lose" I said.

"That so? Tell me, Miss Swordswoman, what is your dream?" Robin suddenly asked—Chopper looked to be in a daze, currently lost in his own thoughts as he silently mulled over what the older woman had said. Completely unaware and uninvested in the current conversation. "I rarely ever hear you mention your own" she remarked, taking note of how I never seemed to speak of my own desires like the rest of the crew tended to do.

"That's because I'm not sure myself what it is I'm reaching for..." I truthfully confessed with an awkward smile. "I...I've never really stopped to think about what it is I've wanted before...I guess you could say that my dream is something that hasn't really revealed itself to me yet" I chuckled, not exactly sure where I was going with this.

"How so?" Robin curiously questioned.

"I'm sure it's there and is just barely within reach...but my fingers just aren't long enough to grab at it—maybe it's something simple and will be easy to accomplish or maybe it's something that will take years to do whatever it is" I shrugged, not really knowing how else to explain it to her. Everyone on our crew had a dream—a desire they clearly wished to fulfill...

I...I didn't have one at all because I never thought about it before—I never dared to dream before because I never imagined I'd get this far into life. I never thought I'd even be asked such a question...I always thought I'd be...

"But that won't happen because Luffy's going to win, right?" Chopper suddenly asked, snapping out of his daze and unintentionally interrupting our conversation and my line of thinking as we looked down at him. "He has to because we have our own adventure we got to finish together, no matter what!" he huffed, puffing his cheeks out just a little in a pout as if he didn't want to believe that Luffy would willingly stop being his captain.

"You're right, we do" I sweetly smiled.

"I'm sure that's exactly what the captain is thinking" Robin nodded as we discarded our shared conversation between each other and instead focused our attention on the doctor. I softly chuckled as Chopper cutely grabbed hold of Robin's hand before being taken aback when the woman suddenly grabbed my own hand in return as we made our way to the stands. 


"That cannon means the preparations are complete!" Itomimizu announced at the sound of a cannon being fired. "So if the entertainment could please leave the stage, thank you" he said as the two men that were currently on the ship jumped right off. "And now, it's time for the main event! The fighters are in place and the bell is ready to sound out—grab a seat in the spectator's stands before it's too late!" he urged in encouragement.

"That's odd, it's cloudy all of a sudden" Robin remarked as the sky suddenly grew dark.

"Maybe a storm was supposed to happen later today" I suggested, scooting forward until I was at the edge of my seat. Although I've never been that big of a fan of fighting, that didn't mean I wasn't excited for this particular fight as I now waited in anticipation for it to begin. There was a lot at stake with just this one fight.

"Nami, I'm back!" I perked up to the sound of Sanji's voice, curiously looking further down from where Robin, Chopper, and I were currently seated, I found that I could easily see the others seated near the bottom of the stand. "Where are you?" the blond asked as I couldn't help but snort when he suddenly tripped—I couldn't tell if that had been his own fault or if Zoro had been the one to trip him.

"Today we have a real treat, ladies and gentlemen!" Itomimizu announced as two pictures suddenly flickered to life on the dark clouds—displaying an image of both Luffy and Foxy's wanted posters. "A captain vs. captain showdown!" he proclaimed.

"Just ignore them..." I quietly told myself after catching a glimpse of Sanji and Zoro already starting to fight.

"First, in the left corner, we have the reigning Davy Back Fight champion! The man among men who never turns down a challenge and boasts a legendary combat record of nine hundred and twenty wins and zero losses!" Itomimizu praised. "Our one and only boss, the Silver Fox Foxy!" he shouted.

"My eyes!" I couldn't help but dramatically cry out the minute I spotted that the man didn't have a shirt on. I grinned as Chopper and a few surrounding men snickered while Robin patted my back, silently chuckling in amusement at my antics. didn't take long for that grin of mine to deflate the second I heard the hateful and snide remarks that were now being tossed around and directed toward Luffy.

"And in the right-hand corner, our challenger hailing from the East Blue with a crew of only eight and a massive 100,000,000 bounty—the rubber wonder they call Straw Hat, Monkey D. Luffy!" Itomimizu announced as the rubber man stepped out into the open, appearance hidden by only a bedsheet that made it rather difficult to distinguish his features. Curiously, I tilted my head before a grin broke out across my face the second he removed the bedsheet and revealed what exactly he had been hiding underneath it.

"Yeah!" Luffy cheered as everyone else stared in shock at the afro the rubber man now wore on his head. It wasn't long though before the crowd burst out into a flurry of cheers as loud laughter bubbled up from the back of my throat.

"Wow! Luffy sports a larger-than-life afro with a personality to match!" Itomimizu whistled.

"Yeah! Looking sharp, buddy!" Sanji cheered.

"That's messed up..." Zoro grumbled.

"Wow! Luffy's cooler than ever!" Chopper sparkled.

"I agree" Robin giggled.

"Looking good there, Luffy!" I whistled.

"Both fighters have entered the battlefield and both look like they're ready to rumble!" Itomimizu announced. "Now that Luffy has turned in his straw hat for a mighty afro, does he have the power to protect the pride of his crew and his unborn children alike, or will Foxy's unbeatable fists strip him of all his hopes and dreams? Only time will tell as this faithful fight round of the Davy Back Fight explodes into action!" he proclaimed as the dark storm clouds finally disappeared and let the sunshine return.

"Hey, Straw Hat, I'm really digging the new look!" someone from the crowd praised before quickly covering their mouth in both shock and shame. "I mean, you suck!" he quickly corrected himself.

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