Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five [Rewritten]

Start from the beginning

"No! I'd rather get digested!" Nami sneered as she punched him this time.

"Have to agree with her on that one" I shivered, shaking my head at the captain's idea.

"Nami's scary!" Aisa whimpered, backing away as she hide behind me in fear of the enraged ginger.

"You can say that again..." I mumbled, resting a hand atop the child's head as I winced at the violence currently being inflicted upon the rubber man.

"I know what you mean, child—she's meaner than the snake" Gan Fall agreed.

"Hardly, when the snake gets in a bad mood it starts eating people" Nami irritably huffed before sighing in defeat as she slumped her shoulders. "And speaking of which, we better think fast—its temper was bad enough on the outside" she reminded us.

"Wait, the snake was in a bad mood?" Luffy asked.

"Yeah, right—all hisses and fangs" Nami nodded. "In fact, before it attacked us, it was withering around in pain" she suddenly remembered.

"Oh yeah, it did look like it was in agony earlier" I said, recalling how the snake squirmed around during the fight in discomfort as it irritably shot off this and that way before eventually lashing out at whatever was closest to it or happened to bring it even more pain.

"Hm, that's weird—I wonder what was bothering it?" Luffy pondered as I turned and looked at him, silently putting two and two together the longer I thought about how long Luffy's been inside here and what exactly he might have been doing in his attempts to escape.

"Luffy?" I calmly asked.

"Hm?" he hummed as if to let me know he was listening.

"Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did while you were in here all alone" I pleaded as Nami slowly started to come to the same realization as me.

"Huh?" he blinked, brows furrowing in confusion as he tilted his head as if he didn't quite understand what I was saying.

"Luffy...what have you been doing in here?" Nami hesitantly asked, not really looking like she wanted to know the answer.

"Oh! I was trying to burst through a wall—didn't work though!" Luffy laughed, sounding as if he had just told the funniest joke he knew instead of confirming mine and the ginger's fears.

"Ah, so this is all your doing" Gan Fall realized.

"Why am I not surprised?" I groaned, pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation as I shook my head.

"Throwing all those punches burned up a lot of energy—say, did any of you bring some food?" Luffy asked, not realizing what was so wrong with what he had said as Nami and I now clenched our fists in utter frustration. "What's wrong?" he asked when he did finally take note of our anger.

"How about you eat my fist?!" we snapped as we punched him—sending his body flying before it painfully slammed into the side of the snake's stomach which in return caused the large reptile to growl and start withering around in pain to the point that it made the inside of its stomach shake and rumble. Aisa clutched onto Nami as more screams were ripped from our throats the minute we were thrown further down into the creature's belly. Each scream varied in pitch, but one of them was soon cut short when a piece of debris suddenly slammed into Luffy's face while Nami's own frightened screams grew in pitch the second a skeleton landed on top of her. Gan Fall seemed to be the only rational one out of us, keeping his mouth firmly shut as his main priority was to wrap Aisa up in his arms and take the full force of the brute damage caused by the falling debris that rained down on us and would occasionally hit us.

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