Since When Did I Turn to Feelings: 1/26/15

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7:26am Monday, January 26

You know you're going through a phase when...
All you imagine is black and white sex scenes with British celebrities.


Rob is a whole other world, and goddamn I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Things went so well when R and I hung out after school at the library/park. I nearly died of happiness. Oh my oh my. I sincerely feel happy to be around him.

Can I say I'm a happy teenage girl right now? I'm floating on clouds.

I straight up told my dad, I like that boy, and that's that. I'm done pretending I don't have any desire for boys. My dad seemed relieved and okay with it. Rob said hello, how are you to my daddio, and my dad said he seemed very polite once we were driving away.

Mom asked dad what he thought of Rob. My dad said, "Tall, skinny German boy," (I think I have a type), "He should come over some weekend and hike."

Hiking? My dad is such a dad.

Anyways, the rents approve. I'm not rushing an-y-thing.

Gotta treat boys like how you'd treat a confused baby animal.

Rob held my hand, we sat up in this play-fort in the park, talked about everything. He (on purpose, I kid you not, scooted really close to me), and I've gotta say, I wanted to kiss him. But, I'm not a crazy bitch, so I kept my thoughts thoughts. I couldn't believe how natural everything was. Never an awkward moment. I felt at ease to be next to him.

When do I ever say stuff like this?

I need to watch a violent movie and get my shit together. Oh jeez.

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