Red Rover: 4/29/15

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3:31pm Wednesday, April 29

I feel as though Scarlet is angry with me. She's been acting so strangely. I don't know what I did or what anyone did. She's been quite antisocial, barely sits with our group at lunch, barely talks, just reads a book with headphones in. Scarlet used to be practically the hub of our morning and lunchtime chats. Now, I barely see her throughout the day, and when I do, she's not up to chat or joke around. We all played hacky sack with the stoners during sixth, and that was the only time I saw her looking happy and actually hanging out with all of us.

I've just finished that terribly sad book, and it ended up not being so bad. Not what I wanted, but what I needed. I suppose It can't be sex and roses all the time. It has to be hugs and daffodils. That's fine. That's life. Sometimes, it's nothing at all. You're left gutted, stomach pained, and feeling as if an oak table is being pressed into your sternum. Life.

I am not sure if the above made sense?

Horny & Alone. The anthem of a generation. Don't I know it?

Ah fuck I hate this goddamn bus.

Satan School of SophomoresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora