Pity Pleaser: 12/16/14

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5:25pm Tuesday, December 16

I am walking down the hallway at the end of the school day, by myself, because I couldn't find the rest of my clique. When this girl is like, "You're so pretty and dress so great. You should be in magazines!" Even though she's wayyyyy better looking than me.
I said thank you and looked away quickly. Why do girls do that to each other? Are these girls trying to reverse-insult me? What is their deal? Do they feel bad for me? Am I that bad that they think they need to bring up my self-confidence out of pity? I like compliments, but I mostly just think people lie to me to make me feel okay, because they see how awful I am.

In third period, I went in the art room to drop some papers off, and this freshman boy says to me, "Oh hey! It's Blair. And that's all I know..."
"Yupp," was my reply. I gave him a confused perhaps bitchy look. Uhh I don't even know him, he's average-looking. I think his name is Zach, but why is he saying all he knows is my name??

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