PSAT: 10/15/14

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8:17am Wednesday, October 15

I'm incredibly stressed out about the PSAT. I can barely function. I almost missed the bus, and I have this awful zit and ugh. I don't want to take this PSAT. My eyes are burning, dry, because I fucked up doing my mascara this morning in my haste to not miss the fucking bus.


That. Test. Oh. Jesus.

It was easy peasy lemon squeezy with a punch of beezyleezydeezymeezyzeezy.

After we finished the sixth part of the booklet, I felt an undeniable rush of confidence. I did it. I know I did it well. I am proud. I am determined. I am smart!

Holy shit. I was scared for nothing. The PSAT was a slice of pie and a silver spoon! I studied like hell (kind of), and I think it paid off.

As for other lives to live, I figured out why Kota never snap chatted me back four days ago when he asked for my user. Because, he was grounded! He didn't lose interest! Kota was simply grounded! When he's ungrounded, it will all be peaches and pineapples. We will text and snap chat then whatever happens next. I'm trying to be more casual, not like last year where I was obsessed with boys I was afraid to talk to.

And the story continues...


(a PSAT prep word meaning knowledgable/smart)

Satan School of SophomoresOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz