Stop Racism: 2/6/15

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6:10pm Friday, February 6

It's funny how when I'm in the heat of the moment with someone I like, I get so confident. It's crazy. I turn all suave and nervous but calm all at once.

hahaha who invented porn?
The French, I believe.
But I mean like pornos, the videos?
To google or not to google?

Watching American Sniper with my parents. *Slight* sex scene:
My dad is like, "Close your eyes, Blair."
I reply, "Those are the smallest boobs in the world, there's nothing to fear."

Never miss a beat, motherfuckers.
And I watch all the sex scenes.
I don't give a fuck anymore.
I'm hardcore.

Oh wow. Even I don't believe that.

You know, my parents are assholes. They keep saying how, "America is the best country in the world, it's never America's fault when a war starts," and they also keep saying, "We are a military family."
Fuck off.
I said, "I don't give a crap if we are a military family. I hate this movie. I hate war, southern accents, whores, and pregnant women. This movie has everything I despise. But, I'm not going to hate an entire region of the world." That's called racism, you pricks. Then my dad started saying how the bombs were Russian and fuck Russia.
I was just waiting for him to say something about Rob and Germany. Or Thailand. Or Mexico. They're people. I'm friends with these people. After learning so much about their countries, I hate racism more than ever. They're human beings, not battle dates, not treaties, not weapons, not all evil. They're teenagers.

When my parents were talking their bullshit racism, I kept thinking, 'I wonder how Rob or Joy or Madi would react to this? I know Madi would basically want to punch my parents in the throats.'

And you know what Jake said a few days ago?
We were talking about the world and race and people and whatnot. I said, "There's beautiful people all over the world. I don't have a "type." I care that their personality mixes well with my own."
And Jake says, "Yeah, but you'd never date-like- an Asian, right?"
I was taken aback and replied, "What the hell?! Why not? Of course I would if he interested me, I wouldn't care if he was Asian!"
"I wouldn't date an Asian. That's not what I'm into."
"Oh, so if you met a cute, amazing Asian girl, you'd pass her up, simply because she's Asian. You know how fucked up you sound?"
I was infuriated. What the FUCK is wrong with society? Stop teaching children to only date within their race! Jake tried to backpedal, but we both knew he was an idiot that meant what he'd said. I suppose somewhere along the line his parents taught him to be a racist.

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