Upset: 5/4/15

8 1 0

6:53pm Monday, May 4, 2015

Didn't wear a bra today. That was fun.

You know, no guy has ever really gone out of their goddamn way to pursue me. It's always me trying to string everything together. What's wrong with me? Why am I considered untouchable by the male population? I'm not going to ever have sex as far as I can see. I'm on my way to joining a nunnery.

I wish I could
be normal. I'm so weird and awful. I'm actually awful. There's no other way to put it.
Just let me fade away.

I'm fucking pissed as hell.

Now, I'm crying. I deserve it. I deserve to feel terrible and ugly, because I am. I'm surprised more people haven't put me in my place. Clearly, I'm unattractive. I have an ungodly nose, bland, dead eyes, and I have hideous brown hair underneath my fake blonde strands.

I'm nothing but a fake.
I'm ready to explode.
I'm waiting for the world to end me.

I'm not going to make it through. I'm not even real. I'm not going to ever be happy or go one dates or see the world or go to college or make money or be important.

No. I'll probably die. I'll probably overdose on cheap drugs and feel my heart tear itself apart before everything turns to black.

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