I'm Fine Fine Fine: 2/11/15

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2:56pm Wednesday, February 11

At least I know we'll never be together. In public. In love or whatever. I'm his dirty secret. It's not like I've ever asked if we are dating, because I know I won't like the answer that I already know. We're some kind of stupid friends with benefits. It's so wrong. I hate it. But, I still come around. I'm so stupid. I was dumb to think a guy who was so right for me would actually be right for me. Rob doesn't really like me. I'm being used, I suppose. I feel plain shitty. I feel like nothing matters.

I'm in a friends with benefits at fifteen. Fucked up much? I guess it's not a complete FWB unless we fuck. But still. We do stuff. Ugh.

It hurts so bad, but I know I'll get past all of this. It's lucky I didn't think I was in love. I never have been.

This really sucks.
And I'll probably still make out with him and flirt, because I like it. Because I'm weak, and he's the only guy I'm comfortable with.

I'm so glad I'm not in love with Rob. I know I'll get over him.

I need to go back to therapy.

Why did he say he'd put all my broken pieces back together?

It's okay. I'm fine.

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