Just Another Manic Monday: 10/6/14

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3:05pm Monday, October 6

It was just a very Monday-Monday. But, I got through it. It never leaves my mind how I want to get out of here. I always dream about the city. I've known since I was six years old, I don't belong in Kasha Falls.

At least art class helped me get a pumped start to a long, tired day. I asked R what his favorite movie was, and he said The Lovely Bones! I was blown away! I said, "I've read the book and seen the movie! I love them both, but the book is better."

Then R asked if I had the book, and I said he could borrow it if he wanted to. Then the bell had to ring and cut us short, right before I could ask anymore questions about his hotness. Now I gotta go out and buy that book, because when I read it, I just got it from the library. I just really like that we have this in common. He's like no one I've met before, and maybe we will just be friends. I'm just glad I know him either way. He's a cool guy. I like talking to him.

Math, Textiles, and English were less desirable. I was bored to tears in math, and I was thisclose to ditching. Textiles - I did practically nothing, because the sewing machine I needed was being hogged. Then in English we were just text coding, and I nearly fell asleep multiple times. I just couldn't stop wanting to sleep. I'm still exhausted from partying.

I've been mad at Scarlet since Saturday night for reasons... So I tried my best to avoid her today. She's ridiculously rude sometimes. We had this stupid fight with Hayley in there too on Saturday. I was trying to hold back my giggles, because it was that dumb of a fight about me inviting Sasha to stay overnight without their approval. It's my house, and it's not like I lied, I just didn't tell them. There's a difference. That fight was probably an hour of bitchy arguing up in my mom's studio while everyone was partying downstairs. But, we made up, and it turned out to be an amazingly fun time staying over at a lake house with a hot tub. Those two even managed to have fun with Sasha. Scarlet doesn't hate Sasha, but Hayley does (did?) because of middle school.

And now Olive is grounded for like two months because of giving that guy her underwear and her sister showed her mom all her Facebook messages between me, Scarlet and Hayley. So Halloween is fucked for Olive. No parties, no going out, no nothing.

I just want some hot guy to want me or something. I need to learn, experience. Even Olive said that today during textiles -- "This is our year, SOPHOMORE SLUTS!! Like on Awkward!!"

Satan School of SophomoresNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ