Halloween: 10/31/14

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6:40am Friday, October 31

Am I ever going to have that love? That teenage love?
It's so stupid, reckless, utterly reckless, but I want it.
I want to at least have that feeling of love. Even if it turns out to be a lie in the end. I want that.

I've got a theory. It's easy. It's plausible. I've found it to be true, at least at my high school. The guy almost always breaks up with the girl if he took her virginity. - Maybe they don't break up immediately, but it's inevitable. I think, because while she grows more attached, he grows more confused and just... done. There's nothing left.

"That's awful, Blair.
No, I broke up with him, you're wrong."

I'm only saying, it happens quite often at my school.

Often does not mean always.


I'll just list the high-lights
1. I was a 1920s flapper, Hayley was a flapper, and Scarlet showed up as Audrey Hepburn.

2. We were going to help out at the high school after school. Every year the school does a community-trick or treat for small children so they don't go and experience real Halloween like regular people. But, we decided not to help. Instead, we headed to Scarlet's after school and hung out with Alex (for the first time in MONTHS) Clifford (the reason we haven't hung out with Alex in MONTHS), and Jeremy (Scarlet's lust-interest).

We all played Apples to Apples until about 6pm. I know we are lame at being teenagers, don't rub it in.

3. At around 6, Jeremy left to go get ready for the football game (he's JV).

All us other potatoes put on masks (I wore a pathetic, ill-fitting cat mask), and we trick-or-treated at a few houses before heading to the game.

4. Alex and Clifford ran off to lick each other's genitals while Scarlet, Hayley, Joy, Tamara (Joy's friend and our new friend too) and I drifted around the game.

5. About halfway through the game, Hayley, Scarlet and I found some girls from school that like Hayley's weed brownies. We talked with them forever, it felt like, about the only thing we have in common with them, brownies.

6. Us three ended up walking around with Kendra and Muchie (I do not trust them at all, but they're popular, and Hayley and Scarlet really like them). It was a lovely diversion. Muchie told me all about how Kota is a big slut. I was almost to tears, but I acted like I was only slightly peeved. Apparently he... I can't even say it. Not even here. It makes me too sad. I don't accept it, I don't believe it.

7. After hearing Munchie and Kendra endlessly gossip the whole game as we sat together, I had to find soulful, tasteful sustenance after the game to counteract the junk food conversation us five shared. We parted our ways (Munchie and Kendra ditched us, can't be seen with the unpopulars unless you're buying drugs from them) once the scoreboard went dark. A lovely excuse to say our goodbyes.

8. Scarlet kissed Jeremy after the game for the first time. His lip virginity stolen violently. I don't even know whom Hayley kissed for her first kiss, but she claims she's kissed before. He was all gross and sweaty, and behind the bleachers, I would imagine it was painfully dark.

The kiss was awful. Jeremy, unprepared, sour breath on both ends, Scarlet smashing and slurping before Jeremy pulled back in shock/disgust.
9. Rob , Joy, Tamara and us three began walking to Rob's house after the game.

10. I saw Kota on the dark street as we walked to R's.
Kota: Are you still high? *haha*
Me: Haha no.
Me: (I said this as we passed by)
I still want to make out with you!!

Scarlet dragged us down the street before I could even take another look at Kota, let alone gauge his reaction to my straightforwardness. Or hear a reply.

I still want to fuck him *a little.*

11. We watched The Purge. Decent enough movie, I guess. Kind of ridiculous with various plot holes.

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