Dreaming Continued: 9/20

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I drew a lot of pictures today. I thought they were good, but I guess they weren't. My mom just glanced and said they were nice, and I could tell my dad was trying to look fascinated & interested. But the art wasn't that good. I drew a heart, a pair of lungs, a pair of kidneys, and two faces. I don't think I'll show my art around anymore. Unless it's good. Which I guess it's not.

Then after all that art, my dad yelled at me for being rude to my mom. My dad said, "I wonder why I had kids!"

Then a half hour later, he felt bad & gave me $20. I found this odd and though throwing money at the problem is surely no solution.


I'm trying to be flirtier & sexier here, so I prayed to the goddess Aphrodite for help, because she's great with lusty lovely shit. I pray to any god I deem fit for my predicament. Maybe Buddha one day or Ganesha the elephant god if I need wisdom & intelligence. But if I need love advice I pray to Aphrodite. On a different day I might pray to Jesus/God if I'm feeling scared and/or hopeless. I don't know what religion you'd call that. But, I identify with whatever I need as my religion.

So back to Aphrodite. I'm calling on her, because I need a homecoming date, and I cannot go alone. It's getting desperate up in here. I know that's totally anti feminist and conformist of me. I know, I know. But I just ugh. Sometimes I'm such a girly little bitch. I just want a date, because I want to kiss someone. Anyone. I'd kiss a chick if she offered and had good breath. Seriously. Making out with anyone (within high standards of reason). Not necessarily anyone, not that freshman who likes me, but someone mildly attractive & fun who is non judgmental.

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