Vagina is a Fine Word: 12/9/14

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3:55pm Tuesday, December 9

My teacher told a kid, "Don't say that bad word in this classroom!" When this kid said vagina. I never knew vagina was a bad word. Wow. Do not make young girls and women feel wrong and bad about their sexuality. Vagina is a fine word. Penis is okay too. Stop acting like we should all be ashamed, parents and teachers.

I've got enough butt to squeeze in my hand, but that doesn't really meet the equivalent of guy hand. Either that makes me feel skinny or curve-less.
I'm gonna go with curve-less.

My elbow is tweaking out.

I want a stair stepper.
But I am not driven enough to spend that kind of money. Maybe my mom and I could split the cost?

I love the Brit TV show Misfits. It really pumps my nads. Oh the memories... I used to masturbate to that show when I was eleven. Blair, that's an inside thought.

My. Brain. Is. Not. Working. Correctly.

I keep waking up on my side with my face in a pile of pillows and my bare ass out uncovered from blankets. It's oddly comfortable.

I should stop talking shit about my ass. Some guys like it, okay? Jeez. Who needs enemies when you've got self-confidence like mine?

Wait a second, I've got a question. How is it that in movies and books and what not, girls just grab guys dicks through their jeans? Knowing me, I'd probably like grab his phone and he'd be like, "Du fuq no mah dik is ovr here lil dum ass hoe"
Am I good at sexy? I can't tell at this point.

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