Really, Really Real, My Friend: 4/21/15

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7:11pm Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Rob is texting me.

I can't stop. I don't know why I even like him. He's so... I cannot explain. I shouldn't like him is all. Rob isn't my type, I can't tell what he's thinking, and I want his affection, and I want to be happy. He somehow enthralls me. Somehow? How??

Okay, proposition?
Our teachers say, "Be mature about sex." Then we are searching for innocence. Shouldn't we be glad there's still high schoolers chuckling when they hear the word sex? It means they don't really get it. They're still childish. Still youthful. I get annoyed by that, but at the same time, I'm glad they aren't all mature and understanding. Maybe I find it refreshing to know a sixteen year old boy doesn't know what bondage is?

What if you dated two guys at once and they both were really dedicated to making it work?

Another good day!!
All my friends and I are going to Prom as a big group. I'm going, because I love to dress up, I love chilling with my best babes, and I love to dance (badly), but still I love to dance.

Although, I want to dance which conflicts with wearing a long ass dress. I'm on the fence with this first world problem.

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