Magical Boobs: 1/2/15

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5:53pm Friday, January 2

On the plane reading smut, and I am thinking about confidence. I think my cousin is like super confident. I must know her secret. But, I've got my things I'm confident about, for instance, my boobs. I purely love them. I grabbed my boob just now, and I thought to myself, 'Yeah, I like these boobs. They may not be super big, but they are perky and look fantastic without a bra.'

I guess confidence means really liking what you have already got. Accepting it, loving it, and being comfortable and happy. I pretty much wouldn't have a problem showing anybody my boobs, not like a whole crowd of people, but you know, friends and guys I like or whatnot. I just enjoy my boobs very much. Thank you, mom I guess. Maybe my dad's side of sisters??? Anyhow, I'm thankful for my boobs. They're kinda secretly beautiful. On a regular day, they look average in clothing, but underneath, they're ~*MaGiCal~~*.

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