Everything Was So: 4/6/15

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11:54pm Monday, April 6

I wore a tight shirt, and my mom asked if I had lost weight. I used to wear tight clothes all the time.

Green tea ice cream is magic.

Shit. How am I suppose to be skinny if I'm eating ice cream like some kind of animal??

I really miss kissing.

At least I've got my fantasies for comfort.

Some people are so cool, and I'm so uncool. It's unfair. How do I get to be sexy and cool and interesting? I'm such a boring banana. I'm not even super hot, and I have no interesting stories to tell. What can I do? What can I do?

Dream time!!
I had this dream I was at the beach with a bunch of Australian Hollister models (all guys, ain't no bitch gonna outdo me in my dreams), just lying around and such. Everything was so beautiful, and I remember laughing a lot under the brilliant sun. Then, I started climbing up this steep sand dune, and I jammed my foot in the dune to get a hold, but when I pulled my foot out it was covered in blistering bee stings.

I had another dream that I went to New York with Olive, but I forgot my camera, so I was taking shitty pictures on my phone. It was such a first world problem dream.

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